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Monday, March 22, 2010


I think Spring is around the corner, and what does it bring?  It's time for the Annual (OK, a little bit sporatic, but usually annual) HEN PARTY!!!  That's what my Grandfather called it when my seven sisters, our Mom and Grandma would get together to cackle for a weekend  without husbands or kids.  This began about 18 years ago, and we have since added a couple of sisters-in-law and daughters to the mix. 

Deonn; Laura, Mariann, Renee'; Teresa, Janine, Melinda, Annette
 I am hosting this year's Hen & Chicks party, which will include attending Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.  The play was really the excuse to get together because both my daughter Lauren and I are in it (I play the Narrator, Lauren is one of the Wives).  And our weekend events will also include a lot of my favorite things... cooking, hiking, sewing, quilting.  One of my sisters will teach a cyberclass on blogging and digi-scrapbooking.  Another sister will demonstrate how to make cream puffs, and other elegant desserts for parties.  I will give a demo on making a quick apron from a dishtowel, then teach the girls to make pasta for our Italian Extravaganza!  In our spare time we will tie a quilt for the next wedding in the family.
Some of my favorite memories as a child include time in the sewing room with my sisters making projects for 4-H or Christmas, or "helping" my grandmother hand-quilt wedding quilts.  Bonding moments.  I am so excited for my sisters to come!!  

Cackle, cackle, cackle...

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