Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Everything's Coming Up Roses...

 Make a Fabric Corsage...

~ Rose ~ 
1)  CUT a 2-1/2" x 24" strip of fabric.
2)  FOLD in half, right sides together; TRIM a curve.

3)  STITCH raw edges together.
Begin at foldline, then take a running stitch
to the opposite end of the strip
using a double-threaded needle.

4)  GATHER your fabric rose by pulling
the stitches as you go, (not too tight).
Leave needle threaded for next step.

 5)  Start at one end and ROLL the gathers together; 
STITCH with same needle/thread.

 6) Continue rolling to form flower, stitching as you go.

7)  STITCH through all raw edges to secure, tie off.
Set aside. 

~ Rosebud ~
1)  TRACE and CUT OUT 3" to 3-1/2" circle.

2) PRESS in half

 2)  PRESS folded edge down about 1/8"

 3)  FOLD into thirds.

4)  GATHER raw edges.  Set aside.

~ Leaves ~
1) CUT two 2" x 3-1/2" rectangles for each leaf
2) DRAW  or TRACE a leaf shape on wrong side of fabric.

3) With right sides together,
STITCH all around the leaf shape, pivoting at
corners and overlapping beginning stitches.

4) TRIM curves with pinking shears.

5) CUT a slit on one side, TURN leaf right side out 
(use a chopstick to shape corners).


ASSEMBLE your Corsage,
adding a rosebud, a couple of leaves, etc.
then STITCH directly to garment/quilt/project. 
OR, make it portable!
Cover raw edges with a wool felt circle,
then add a clip or pin.


Be sure and check out my projects in the
what brought about this lovely little corsage.


  1. Simply beautiful! I have made some Kanzashi flowers and love them, too! Great tutorial...

  2. Ahah! I see you, too, are a part of these ghastly goings on. I'll bet that flower would look good in a bit of Japanese silk.

  3. I LOVE your rose...I see this on one of my purses in the not so distant future!

  4. Pretty rose! Can't wait to see what inspired it on Ghastlie Blog Hop!

  5. My daughter (adult) has been asking for one of these to use as pin. Thanks for the tute!!

  6. Deonn -- I love this little rose corsage! Great tutorial -- I pinned it! :)

  7. I Love this Rose. Beautiful, thanks for sharing the tutorial!!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!