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Friday, October 28, 2011

"Gasp!" A Ghastlie Blog Hop!


It's "The GHASTLIES" Blog Hop
(Goes through Nov 4th!)
Spine-Tingling Inspiration and Goose-Bumply Prizes!!
Each Ghastlie Sistah submits one person's name
from her comments that day;
Madame Ghastlie chooses the Grand Prize winner
from those 5 or 6 names!

TWO Grand Prizes on the Hop today!
(see pictures below)
Friday, November 4th LAST DAY!!
Mrs Nan Ghastlie
Mrs. Gmama Jane Ghastlie
Mrs Joan Ghastlie
Mrs. Nancy Ghastlie
Ms Susan Ghastlie
Our Fearless Leader:  Madame Ghastlie

AND... Still time to win a GHASTLIE PRIZE
from me!  click → HERE
November 3rd, Day 9
Mrs Corrie Ghastlie
Mrs Cheryl Ghastlie
Mrs. Linda Ghastlie
Mrs. Pickles Ghastlie
November 2nd, Day 8
Mrs. Jane Ghastlie
Mrs. Mary Ghastlie
Mrs. Michelle Ghastlie
Mrs. Dawn Ghastlie
Mrs Mary Ghastlie
(Duff won Kona pink fat quarters
and Presencia thread from Mrs Jane Ghastlie)

November 1st, Day 7
Miss Daisy Ghastlie
Mrs. Dana Ghastlie
Mrs. Elaine Ghastlie
Mrs. Gramma Sheri Ghastlie
Ms. Suz Ghastlie
(Mrs Pickles won Halloween Lights
from Mrs Paulines Ghastlie..)

October 31st Day 6
Mrs. Toyna Ghastlie
Mrs Tiramisue Ghastlie
Mrs. Angela Ghastlie
Mrs Pauline Ghastlie
Mrs. Karin Ghastlie
Mrs Barb Ghastlie
(Jacqueline won Aurifil Thread from Grammasheri's)

 October 28th
Ms. Deonn Ghastlie 
Miss Trudi Ghastlie
Mrs. Marlene Ghastlie
Mrs Kim Ghastlie
Mrs Tammy Ghastlie
(4 yds each of Ghastlies goes out to...
Manda from Miss Trudi's and
Dannelle from Mrs Tammy)

October 27th
Mrs. Katherine Ghastlie
Ms Sharon Ghastlie
Mrs. Gooden Ghastlie
Ms. Selina Ghastlie
Mrs. Melinda Ghastlie
( All 3 Creative Grid Rulers go out to
Evelyn from Mrs Sharon Ghastlies Gathering...)

October 26th
Mrs. Barb Ghastlie
Miss Karen Ghastlie
Ms. Loralynn Ghastlie
Ms. Jen Ghastlie
Ms Penny Ghastlie
Mrs Rhonda Ghastlie
(Ghastlie fabric goes to Sheri and Jackie)
from Mrs Penny and Mrs Karen Ghaslties)

October 25th
Mrs. Annie Ghastlie
Mrs. Doris Ghastlie
Mrs. Brandie Ghastlie
Ms. Alidiza Ghastlie
Mrs. Judy C Ghastlie
(Wheeled PINK Sewing BAG goes
to Cherise from Annies Ghastlie Fans...)

October 24th
Mrs. Kirie Ghastlie
Ms Carol Ghastlie
Ms. Wendy Ghastlie
Ms. Carrie Ghastlie
Mrs. Holly Ghastlie
(Alexander Henry Ghastlie Fabric Giveaway....
Grand Prize Winner.... the "Lady of the Cloth"
from Ms. Kirie Ghastlie)

Got Ghastlie Fever?!?
If you have this thing for "Ghastlies"  
And they've tied you in a knot;
Now you're looking for a cure,
Then come join us for this "Hop"!

We heard her plea for a cure
Madame Samm was positively sure
That we could stitch the nights away
In hopes that we MAY----???


The side effects are Ghastlie,
There is no mistaking too!
If you don't run this very minute
You too will catch the FLU...

(We suspected all along
That this was her master plan.  
She did not want to be alone,  
with all you Ghastlie Fans...)

So sit tight, relax, enjoy
your daily hop from Blog to Blog,

Or the Marvelous Madame Samm
May turn YOU into a frog!

A gallery of Ghastlie projects
Will all be on display
From 54 Ghastlie Gals
(5 or 6 a day for 10 days)!

A daily GRAND PRIZE winner,
And perhaps MORE prizes too, 
Just visit every blog--who knows,
The winner could be YOU!

(click button to see schedule ↓ of all 54 Ghastlie Ghouls) 
    (What's a Ghastlie?  ↑↑  Mdm Samm explains)
 Be sure to join me here on Friday, October 28th!!


  1. lol love the sound effects!!

  2. LOL! This is just so funny -- y'all are driving me crazy with the waiting! :)

  3. Finally! :) I HATE anticipation!

  4. This is too much fun. Thanks for the diversion and inspiration!

  5. Just got done reading all the blogs. What fun! Amazing group of talent! Can't wait to see the others.

    Enjoy your day.


  6. OH my gosh ~ the sound effects are too funny.

    I am SUPER excited about this blog hop.

  7. reminder ms ghastlie to add your sistash links to your post we can all blog hop to them...see you then

  8. Love the dishtowel apron the best! Super cute. Like the windy quilting! And a huge Congrats on winning the Babylock ;D Charity:

  9. Linda S from Sacramento8:21 PM, October 28, 2011

    first time visiting - love the pink roses everywhere!!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!