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Sunday, November 13, 2011


OK, so Hallowe'en is over, it must be time for Christmas, right?

Simple joys and blessings ~ sharing some ♥ with my quilting sisters!
Press > for a look ↓
Recent Tree Skirt classes taught (Patterns → HERE)

I like to think of the next several weeks as a Season of Thanks~
A time to count blessings, a time to feel gratitude for the goodness in my life. I won't make a list here, but let's just say I feel extra-blessed these days, and I am grateful, which always fills my heart with joy!  

May this season be filled with simple pleasures,
joys and blessings for you!


  1. Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing it Deonn. Would make a lovely table topper, too!

    Who knows? Maybe someday I will get to take a class from you!

  2. Wow! These are beautiful! Are you going to share or sell the pattern? Would love to make a couple for presents this year :)

  3. Stunning! Beautiful quilting and what fun to have around a Christmas tree. :) blessings, marlene

  4. You bet,'s definitely time for Christmas! Bring it on. Thank you for the great quilt show. Kd ~

  5. Thanks, All!
    Gail: patterns are available in hard copy or PDF downloadable patterns on my website:

  6. félicitations c'est superbe !!!!!!!!
    j'ai beaucoup aimé aussi faire la mienne ........
    bises de France

  7. I absolutely LOVE that tree skirt. It is my favorite one of all. I had hoped to buy your pattern this past week when I got my monthly check but sadly, one of our children two states away had an emergency we had to go take care of. :( It also took care of any extra money I had hoped to use to buy your pattern.

    This will be available after the holiday I am hoping so I can maybe buy the pattern at some point later. There's always next Christmas and it will give me more time to make a few of them.

  8. I am happy to share that this patterns are available in hard copy or PDF down loadable patterns on my computer. This is very easy understand as well as it also added in quilt 's tutorial book.

  9. this tree skirt is stunning! i need to make one desparately and never seem to find the time to do it. this one is rushing to the top of my list!!!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!