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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Winning Ghastlies!!

Hope you enjoyed our Ghastlie Blog Hop!   Thanks to the illustrious Madame Samm for gathering us all together!  It has been such Ghastlie fun for so many, with wonderful sponsors and giveaways, and such fabulous ideas, quilts and projects by everyone!  You can view the entire collection by all 52+ Ghastlie Gals HERE and HERE.

or click HERE ↓↓

  Now for my giveaway:
Lavendar Dreamer!
  You've won the Dishtowel Apron kit with a bonus Owlie kit!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...
"You look so cute! The owls are very sweet...even when they pose as your nose! heehee! You have all the things I need to join in the fun...fabric and patterns! I would love the apron kit and really want to make some of the cute owls! They are mischievous and FUN! I'm a new follower! Thanks! ♥"

(By the way, I do have a few KITS for the apron available HERE ←)

You've won the Thread Catcher kit with a bonus Owlie kit!
Kim said...
"Amazing projects! I am crossing my fingers hoping to win a kit for the thread catcher (boy do I need one of those) and the little owls. Thanks for the inspiration!"

Thanks to everyone who played along, and thank you for your kind comments!  Let's visit again soon!


  1. Congratulations to the winners and thank you for being part of the Ghastlie Blog Hop.

  2. Congratulations to the lucky winners!

  3. OH MY! I am SEW excited to be a winner! I can't wait to get started sewing something Ghastlie! Thank you VERY much! ♥♥♥

  4. Congrats to the 2 winners. And thanks for putting on such a great ghastlie show with all your neat projects.

  5. Congrats to the winners! What fun!

  6. Congratulations to the winners. Your Ghastlie creations are so fabulous. Those little owlies are super adorowlable.

  7. Congratulations to Lavender Dreamer and Kim. I enjoyed the ghastly blog hop! So much ghastly inspiration flowing...Thanks!

  8. I know the winners are thrilled. Thank you for being such a wonderful Ghastlie Lady. I shall be checking in on your blog!

  9. What I did not win anything nothing? WELL I am pleased as punch though for those who did win...ghastlie event....just ghastlie lol I am boycotting next year..


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!