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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Quilt Rescue & Riley Blake Tutorial

This is an antique quilt, made entirely from "Feed Sacks"
(Cotton covers for flour and sugar sacks from 1890 through 1950)
Some of the red check squares still had
a bit of glue and paper from labels.

Are those Gerber Babies?

Quilted with an overall stipple pattern to make the quilt lie flat,
bound in peach shot cotton.  Beautiful. 

Here's another QUILT RESCUE story! Don't you love antique quilts??

What's your opinion of "rescuing" treasures like this,
hidden in cabinets, shelves, old chests, attics everywhere?  

It has me thinking about why we make quilts. 
Little bits of cloth; stories of our lives... 

This quilt inspired my post today
 for Riley Blake Designs' Cutting Corners College.

The topic?  Finishing School ~ Quilt it! (Hints and tips for "Quilting the Quilt")
Now, I need to go and take my own advice!

Come on over ↓↓ and have a look!


  1. I was just talking to a friend about her grandmother's double wedding ring quilt top. When her grandmother passed, each of the grand kids was given a top she had pieced. Every one of them has sat untouched in closets for about fie years. She decided that was enough and wants it to be loved, so I will be quilting it for her after Christmas.

    I think the women who pieced these quilts did so with the intention of having them used and loved, not sitting in a closet. I'm not a quilt purist who thinks that machine quilting a hand-pieced quilt ruins it. Completely the opposite, I think it provides a way for all the love that was put into that quilt top to come out in daily use.

  2. You are a brave woman to take on that project. I would've been skeerd! I can't wait to see the finished product.

  3. I love antique quilts. Love the unfinished ones too. Even the ugly ones, because lets be fair, some are! But even they NEED to be finished. I love how (even the ugly ones) become beautiful if they have the chance to be finished and tell their story out loud! So I say, YES finish them!

  4. Lovely quilt story. Such a treasure for the family.

  5. Love looking at old quilts and thinking of the women who made them. Doubt if I would have done any back then. I've just started a blog with my sister and would love for you to come by.


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!