Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Celebrating with a Giveaway!


HapPy BiRthDay!!!
 to my darling girls!

Wow, what a ride it has been these 22 years! 
Triple the fun, triple the blessings.

Not only that, but it has been such fun in the Sewing Room
with built-in quilting buddies (their brother, too)! 

Three Twenty-year-olds and their "Turning Twenty" quilts

By the way, it's also "Happy 3rd Blogiversary" to this Blog!
Now with my little darlings growing up and starting to leave the nest,
I realize that I'll never lack for sewing buddies~
It's a wonderful world-wide web of quilting friends out there,
you mean so much to me!
Thanks for joining me in my quilting journey!

In the party mood - I'm giving away a Bloomin' Blossoms Pattern and PRECUT KIT to make this adorable table runner:

To enter the giveaway,
1)  Leave a comment ~ tell me about your quilting friends/buddies
2)  Be a Quiltscapes follower/subscriber  →
This party will last for three days (as it usually does every January ),
With the help of,
I'll announce a winner on Saturday, Jan 7th.
Here's a "Happy Birthday" to her sisters from Sister Stott 
on the other side of the world!


  1. You had many blessings for sure. And Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girls! Thank you for sharing some great photos!
    and happy blogaversary too!

  3. Wow!! Three times the fun...three times the joy!! Lucky you!! Quilting buddies are the best...just wrote about it on my blog...check it out!!

    Of course I follow! Thanks for the chance to win!! Also happy blog-iversary!

  4. Ooops...forgot to put the link to my blog~

  5. I've got a quilting buddy that is always amazing me with her projects.

  6. I'm a follower. Thanks for the awesome giveaway - love the purple!

  7. I am a follower.

    My mom was a quilter, I am still just a wannabee, so a kit looks like a good beginning to me!

    Happy birthday to your beautiful girls!

  8. I have three girls, but they were not at the same time! How blessed you are. They are all so pretty, must take after their Mom! And their talent, wow!! None of my girls quilt, they craft! Go figure!!
    Happy Birthday to you sweet girls.

  9. My quilting buddies usually don't know I'm reading their blogs since I don't comment often. But your three quilts are lovely like their owners. And I'd love a chance to win.

  10. Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to your three girls!!!

    My quilting buddy is a good friend and next door neighbor who I'm so grateful to for getting me started into this fun (and very addictive) world of quilting!!!

  11. My quilting buddies are my closest friends. I can't imagine my life without these wonderful women. I just signed up to be a follower. The table runner is beautiful and so are your three daughters.

  12. I quilt with two quilting buddies who never leaves my side - my own grandmother and my husband's grandmother - although both have passed away, they are always in my mind when I begin and end. I have four quilts (one from first, three from the second) and they make me smile. Congratulations for your successes, including your family.

  13. WEll being the Mom of twins there is nothing quite as exciting as bundles of love in your arms...HOW lovely your 22 years with them has made them blossom into the young ladies they are...Happy Name Sake are lovely...and this runner has always had my eye...congrats on many more years of everything xx

  14. my sis is the best quilting buddy!she got me quilting when i needed to fill my suddenly empty days.

  15. i follow :) love the runner and it's prairie points!

  16. Happy Blogiversary and Happy Birthday to your beautiful girls. You are truly blessed Deonn. My nest is empty now so I don't have any in person quilting buddies. I enjoy my online quilting friends and their inspiration and encouragement. I hope I win the the table runner kit. Purple is my favorite color, and three is my favorite number (three boys, three dogs, use to have 3 cats). lol

  17. Wow! Triplets! What fun! I'll bet, though, that it feels as if the last 22 years just flew by now that they are over. It may be their birthday, but you are the one who gave birth, so you get to celebrate, too! That is a darling table runner. Thank you for the opportunity to win the pattern. ~karen

  18. Oh, and happy blogaversary to you. I am a follower and have been enjoying your blog very much. I was commenting to my daughter just the other day that it is because I blog that I can stay motivated, learn and accomplish as much as I do.

  19. wow! triplets that are 22.... what a Blessing! I've always thought it would be so cool to have twins- never thought about triplets.
    I'd love to win a kit, I'm a follower

  20. I have quilting fricends as neighbors, 2 women quilt- a 3rd sort of does, plus other crafty neighbors, we meet once a month, to craft, do show and tell, talk about families, etc.... a good time.

  21. Congrats to the girls and to MOM! My daughter is my quilt buddy! Thanks for the chance!

  22. Since my recent move to Kentucky, all of my quilting buddies are online. I appreciate every blog that I follow.

  23. How blessed you are with those three beautiful daughters.
    My older sister is my sewing buddy, we go on retreats together. I also love reading my favorite quilting blogs. I get some much inspiration from those quilting buddies.

  24. I don't have any quilting buddies yet. I just started quilting and just recently moved to a new town and state for me, so I don't know many people yet. But through wonderful blogs like this one, I am meeting all kinds of wonderful people. Plus I did just start an online quilt along, so I should get to know more people soon.

  25. Most of my quilting buddies are in blogland, but I have a few in real time too. Such fun to get together. Happy birthday to your girls and to your blog.

  26. Happy birthday to your girls! Wow! Triplets!!! That's so cool! I have 3 daughters-- ten years difference between the oldest and the youngest... each one very unique and the best thing in my life... :-) Now-- as to my quilting friends... I am lucky to have an Aunt who graciously opens her home to myself, one of my sisters and several local friends.. We get together every Wednesday to sew, visit and just enjoy one another's company.. Also, through the internet I have made some wonderful quilting friends-- and hope that one day we can actually meet in person!
    Thank you for the chance to win the beautiful table runner kit! I LOVE it! I am always drawn to things of three--- and the color is also perfect-- the birthstones of myself, my girls, and my Mom and my new little granddaughter are all either purple, lavender or green, so those colors are always two of my favorites!

  27. Happy Birthday to your three girls , wow triplets , that must have been amazing. I quilt every Tuesday with seven other gals at a local church , great fun.

  28. I can't even imagine doing everything in 3's! You looked soooo young. I guess it would take someone young to chase triplets.
    Happy Birthday to your girls!

    My mom was my quilting buddy. I helped her piece quilt tops to sell. That's how I learned to sew.

  29. Already a follower. The table runner is so pretty!

  30. What a wonderful tribute to your girls. I'm sure they were in your thoughts all day long! I have wonderful quilting buddies in my community I live in, and in the quilt blog community...a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by so much positivity!

  31. I am a loyal follower...thanks for the giveaway!

  32. Following so I dont miss anything! Happy Birthday to the girls! Happy blogversary too!

  33. Don't have a quilting buddy but enjoy my sewing blog friends.

  34. Happy Birthday to your lovely girls.

    My BFF who is my quilting buddy unfortunately lives 4+ hours away so I don't get to hang with her nearly enough. My other quilting friend moved down south. So I don't have anyone local to shop hop with.

  35. What beautiful daughters you have. Congratulations! My quilting buddies are those I've made thru blogging.

  36. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girls. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. My only sewing buddy that can be found in my sewing room is my puppy. She likes to curl up under my sewing table while I work.

  37. My quilting buddy is my SIL, Chellie. We will be at Quilter's Night Out a the High School this Friday. The Triplets are lovely. And I am definitely a follower.

  38. Happy Birthday to three lovely ladies, and Happy Blog Anniversary to their terrific Mom!

  39. I'm a follower,Happy Birthday to your girls, wow what a family :O) and Happy Blog anniversary :)

  40. My sister is my bestest quilting bud. She's the person who turned me on to quilting, encouraging me that I could do it, too, and she was right.
    Happy birthday to your darling girls, and happy blogiversary to you. Love this pattern and you are a doll to give a set away. Thanks for the chance to win!

  41. Happy blogiversary & happy birthday to your beautiful daughters. My 3 sisters & I do block swaps & round robins during the year. We live in 4 different states (CO, NC, PA, TN) & this keeps us in touch. Thanks for the chance to win.

  42. I'm a follower & subscriber. Thanks for the giveaway.

  43. Congratulations and thanks for sharing some wonderful memories!! I have a new quilting buddy and we take our 15 min coffee break to do quilting, show and tell, and gab... it's amazing what can be accomplished!

  44. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to your daughters. I'm a triplet too. It's great to have built-in best friends. One of my sisters has sewn forever, but I introduced her to quilting.

  45. I'm a follower/email subscriber.

  46. Happy birthday to your daughters and happy anniversary to your blog! What an exciting month January is for you! I follow your blog with joy! and I have an orange furry sewing buddy everytime I sew :) and I also got to my Sis in Laws to sew often with her :) THanks for a chance at your giveaway :)

  47. Small quilting group to's all about sharing. Love to do it with friends.

  48. Wow, I have twins and thought that was a lot. What a handsful you had!! I have 3 special quilting buddies I take trips with and we have a GREAT time. We're such compatible traveling buds and have a wonderful time. Congratulations to your girls and to you for your blogiversary.

  49. Wow! Triplet daughters bring triple fun! I have 3 daughters but they are not triplets. I have few 'in person' quilting friends so I rely on quilting blog friends! Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary of blogging and to your daughters!

  50. Happy birthday to your lovely daughters, and congratulations to you! What a fun post, and what blessings you have been showered with! Have a happy day! My sis is my best quilting buddy - but I've made so many great friends in blogland! Tho I may never meet them in person, they mean a great deal to me, and I'm so thankful for the fellowship we share. :)

  51. What a great post Deonn, the slideshow was terrific, you have great reasons to be so proud of all of your kids. Thanks for sharing!

  52. Happy birthday to your girls! My quilting friends are my best friends. We also work out and eat out together. Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. I wish I had a quilting buddy (or 3!). Congrats!

  54. Wow. All kinda of Happy "fill in the blank" over here. LOL Kidding ~ Happy birhtday to all those beautiful girls of yours. Wow! HOW in the world did you live through three girls Deonn? I had twin boys and another 2 1/2 yrs older than the twins. How lucky to have quilting buddies right in your own home. Fun stuff. I've got no buddies near me to speak of. There are a few I've emailed with off and on that are within about 2-3 hrs of here but that's about it. I'm kind of ok with that although at times I wish there was someone closer. I've been working on my son's fiancee to get her interested in learning. She's wanted to learn but they live an hour from here and only have one car so right now it's not working. I keep telling (warning really) her that when I go THIS (we're usually talking in my sewing room) is ALL hers. Last November she started telling me I am not allowed to buy anything else. HA I think she's afraid of where she'll put it all but, it's not all put away right now so it's not that bad.

  55. ¡Felicitaciones a tus nenas! Que sean siempre muy felices y que Dios ilumine su camino.

    ¡Felicitaciones por tu cumple Blog! Me gusta mucho. Doy clases a un grupo de amigas y me encanta compartir con ellas todo lo que aprendo. Te invito a mi Blog RETAZOS DEL ALMA:


  56. Happy birthday to all. I wish I had a quilting buddy but I don't!

  57. Happy blogiversary!! Happy Birthday to your beautiful girls!!
    I wish I have a quilting buddies around my area, so I won't be the only one doing sewing or quilting. I meet the quilting friends from reading their blogs.

  58. I have a great quilting buddy, my friend Debora. I met her in a class and that was going on three years ago. We always check with each other to see what classes and groups we're going to join so we're together. It's great we live close to each other and often car pool to class.

    Happy Birthday to your girls and your blog! Thank you for the great giveaway and a chance to win. What a Beautiful tablerunner!


  59. I'm a happy follower via email.

    Thank you again for the giveaway and a chance to win.

