Saturday, February 18, 2012

How can I keep from singing?

Are there things in your life that just make your heart sing? 
Tomorrow I'll be privileged to raise my voice with 359 other members of a renouned choir~something I have worked toward my entire life.  In the final phase of a pretty rigourous training process, tomorrow's broadcast will include us new recruits.  A thrilling, joyous blessing!

And since this is a quilting blog... singing is a major fabric woven into the patchwork of my life. 
Tell me, what are some things (in addition to quilting *Ü*) that fills your soul with joy? 


  1. Congratulations, Deonn. I'm sure you have the voice of an angel. They are lucky to have you. I love to spend time with family, hubby and children, and mom and sisters!

  2. Congratulations , that is a huge accomplishment .Other than quilting it would be to spend time with my hubby, children and grandchildren:-)

  3. Funny -- your post title is also the title of one of my favorite praise and worship songs! :)

  4. My sincere congratulations - what a wonderful gift God has given you to be able to sing. It's one I've always wanted but never achieved. But there are other things that make my heart calls from my children, my husband saying "I miss you" when I'm away, seeing God's love being shared by those volunteering where they are needed, and so many other things I'd be here all day if I listed them! blessings, marlene

  5. Singing fills my heart also. My life rolls on in endless can I keep from singing!

    (sorry, I couldn't resist - I sang that as a duet at church.)
    Singing is woven into my life's patchwork also. As far back as I have memory there has been singing.

  6. Congratulations. Music is the joy that fills my soul. Wonderful weekend...

  7. Congrats Deonn! Wish i could come hear you sing tomorrow! Music and quilting are intertwined into my life, as well as many other quilters lives. The 2nd verse of one of my favorite hymns (based of gustov holsts "the planets") goes... "For healing of the nations, for peace that will not end. for love that makes us lovers, God grant us grace to mend. Weave our varied gifts together, knit our lives as they are spun, on your loom of time enroll us till our thread of life is run. O great weaver of our fabric, bind the church as one: dye our texture with your radiance, light our colors with your sun." The first time I read these words to this verse i was so moved i lost place in the music and had to quit playing and let the congregation sing accapella for the rest of the verse.

  8. Since having my thyroid removed due to cancer and losing my voice for a while, I sing with my heart :) I never realized how important the hymns were until I couldn't sing them. I now crackle and pop, but I can join in. Love my grandkids and genealogy! along with quilting. Just don't seem to have enough time to do it all.

  9. Congratulations! I have never known anyone in anything like this famous choir! That is incredible!


  10. I am sew thrilled for you.....certainly a lifetime of wishes has come to life...and having heard your are no doubt an asset with this lady is proud to share the planet with you..... As far as my love....hard to believe...but solitude...I crave it, I need it , it is what keeps me whole......

  11. Congratulations! So happy for you. I remember from previous posts how hard you were working toward this. What an accomplishment. Besides quilting, reading fills my soul with joy, there is nothing better than a good book.

  12. My grandchildren give me JOY. They are part of the reason I Quilt. Seeing them happy makes me happy! Congrats on singing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I'll have to watch for you in April...

  13. Congratulations, sweet friend! I wish that I could be there to hear all those voices raised. Singing gives me joy, too, tho now I sing tenor instead of alto. LOL If I'm not singing as I sew, I'm "making melody in my heart to the Lord." Enjoy that wondrous experience.
    I recall years ago when a well known choir leader in our area was preparing to retire, and there was an area-wide "sing" to be held. (Yes, I'm from the south!) As a gift to him, the entire congregation of choirs and families raised their voices in a joyous hymn as he directed us. It was one where the men have separate parts from the ladies, and his face just shown as he led us. But the real blessing was to stand in the midst of hundreds of singing, happy Christians and get chills up my back at the amazing sound!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!