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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

sPriNG fEVeR! & Giveaway!

Oh, I do love fresh-cut flowers... both kinds ~ grown or sewn!!
This little posy is giving me Spring Fever!

Daisy Cottage  fabric by Lori Holt (Bee in My Bonnet) for Riley Blake Designs

Click HERE to see my Fresh-Cut Tutorial for this 
"Bloomin' Blossoms Spring Posy Table Topper"

Sew sweet - love the rick-rack!
Love the stripes for mitered borders.
Wouldn't it make an adorable quilt?

Please leave a comment about anything "Spring-y"
  • FOOD FOR THOUGHT:  How do you feel about....
    the color yellow, rick-rack, flowers, quilting,
    high heels and kicky skirts, grey fabric in quilts,
    wonky piecing, Spring in general?
Happy Sewing!


  1. Oh my I am I really the first to comment? My fav thing about spring is planting out all the seedlings we have been nurturing; also being able to dry the washing outside in the warm breeze must come in at a close second. Thanks for the tutorial and giveaway.

  2. This is really sweet. As a single flower, just perfect little gift - as a bundle of posies, a sweet little baby quilt.

  3. Deonn, your tutorial is wonderful at Sew We Quilt and this Spring quilt is beautiful! Definitely a project to celebrate the season. For me, Spring is all about the colors, from the darker earthy colors to the purples, pinks, and teals. Love this season!

  4. i really liked your tutorial - this is my first comment ever on a post! i'm not a pink person, but am a lover of yellow.

  5. Very cute little table topper! I love grey is quilts! Feeling very spring-y around here lots of daffodils making everyone smile :)

  6. Just lovely for spring. You are inspiring me! I would probably use a more traditional green for the leaves, but I am loving the more modern quilts. I am seeing more gray in quilts online and liking them more and more. Thanks!

  7. life, longer days, Easter, birthdays, growing things, open windows!, new beginnings. But...sometimes have to put sewing aside for yard work. Love the quilt.

  8. These are so sweet! I love the ric rac edge!

  9. Spring is my favorite time of year! I love the tender, soft green in the new leaves and the wonderful scents of fresh blooms! I used to not be too crazy about gray, but it's all changed, and now I've started two quilts with gray as the background fabric :-) and am loving it!

  10. This project is darling I love the soft colors, especially the yellow. I love spring because it is a new beginning; everything starting anew.

  11. Thanks for the super cute tutorial! What I love about spring the most are all the animal babies we're about to see in nature, from birds to deer - I never get tired of oohing and ahhing over them.

  12. I just downloaded your tutorial as this is definitely a doer. The best part of spring??? The sun!!! The northwest has so much rain and cloud in winter that the sunshine is a pure shot of bliss when we get to see it. Thanks for the chance to win!

  13. I love the table topper. Thanks for the great giveaway! I enjoy the rains of spring!

  14. I love my brave little crocuses and primroses peeking through the snow. Today the snow has melted but on Monday they were shivering out there but bravely blooming nevertheless.

  15. I like everything about spring - the sounds of the birds, the buds on the trees, the smell of fresh cut grass, and more daylight. Thanks for a chance.

  16. Oh my gosh! That is beautiful! I love the sweet shades of pink, but I love all pastels.
    It's been spring here for a few weeks as we had very little cold weather. I love sewing spring/summer outfits for my little G-daughter.

  17. I SEW love this table runner! It is going on my list!!!!!
    Spring is fickle here in Lexington KY too, we broke heat records yesterday AND today - above 80 both days - how crazy is that.
    Thanks again for the great TUT!

  18. I'm feeling lucky again!! Thanks for another great giveaway...Grey fabric in quilts, love it. Spring in Southern California is not always predictable! Saturday we had rain and's high 76

  19. Your table topper makes me feeling springy. Not too much else around here and it's cold with snow on the ground. We're hopeful though. I love the rick rack too!

  20. I just stopped by from Mde Samm's. What a great table topper. Yes, it would make a great quilt, too. Sew pretty! Thanks!

  21. Love that pattern! I like the END of the bitter cold weather! And the return of the migrating birds - love to hear the geese and other birdsong! :) Thanks for the chance!

  22. I love all those things except for high heels and kicky skirts. Never wear either of them. Spring where I live is sunny days, cold nights and warm days, snow gone from the highways but still there everywhere else, bikers and runners starting to appear everywhere, lovely crosscountry skiing on the still snow covered lakes.... It is my favourite time of year. Lots of outdoor fun and you don't have to worry about bears.

  23. thats a gorgeous table topper, Spring to me is easter eggs, new daffodils peaking through, tulips and yellows and teals)

  24. I love this pattern. The partial seams would have really put me off from trying it, but your tutorial makes it seem very doable. Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful fabric.

  25. wow you gave us alot to comment about- yellow- LOVe it- my kitchen counters and sink are yellow! (not by my choice but I'm happy with it!) Rick rack- makes everything cuter!
    flowers- I buy them for my self and give them to random people in town on Mondays
    quilting- addicted!
    high heels- fun fun fun
    wonky piecing- most of my piecing is a bit wonkY

    Spring- seems like it came really fast- I can almost see my flowers blooming!
    Your tutorials- sew easy to follow! I am loving this blog!

  26. Love the table topper! The colors scream Spring to me...pastel pinks, yellow and gray. Who knew gray went with so many colors! I love everything about Spring, the trees/flowers blooming, baby animals, longer/brighter days, cuter clothes to wear, etc., etc. :)

  27. So pretty! I love the ric rac!
    It really feels like Spring today, here in the UK - warm breezes, blue skies and my DH mowing the lawn!!

  28. Thank you for your tutorial at Stash Manicure. Your spring table topper is so cute, and this is the perfect project for a sewing retreat this weekend!

  29. I have so admired this fabric line and your project is so sweet! Definitely springy. Living in a wintery place makes me especially excited about spring I think. Our days are getting deliciously long, it's usually sunny, the now is almost gone, birds and gophers are abundant ... there's even a fly buzzing about in my window ... and soon green buds will appear!

    And I am most excited to part the SUV and get my orange cruiser bicycle out.

  30. My excitement for Spring is visiting my daughter for my Spring Break! Only a couple of more days! Yay!
    Deonn, I love the table topper! It is pretty in pink!

  31. I am so glad to see spring flowers, so ready for green and color. Love it - even though I still think we'll get another ice storm before it's really over!

  32. Spring is when I look forward to attaching a binding because I have an excuse to sit outside while I sew it on! Thanks for giveaway opportunity.

  33. My favorite thing about spring is the colors of all the plants bursting into bloom, and the chance to be outdoors more. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  34. Seeiong the first forsythia blossoms and knowing that the delish soft ice cream stand will be opening soon. Yummo!

  35. What a happy table topper!!! Thx for tutorial. Spring is hanging out the laundry, seeing the chickens excitement of taking dust baths in the flower beds, and listening to the robins sing! And the warmer days mean more outside sewing on the patio!!!

  36. What a happy, fun grouping for a spring giveaway! Honestly, temperature wise, it feels like we 'sprang' on past spring into summer! But the trees are just leafing out and that "new" green color is everywhere and it makes my soul sing to see nature come back to life! :)

  37. Lovely posies flowers! So sweet! Spring to me is Sakura season :)

  38. I just love seeing the spring bulbs burst into bloom -- first the snowdrops, then the crocuses, and now the daffodils! Love that cheerful, yellow flower! It absolutely says spring!

  39. I L-O-V-E your tutorials!!! They are so helpful to the beginner quilter (like myself)! My fav thing about spring are the sounds...the sounds of kids playing outside after being cooped up all winter, and the sounds of the birds! Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway!!!!

  40. my favorite thing about spring is the smell in the air right before it rains. you can smell it coming. it's totally a spring thing.

  41. It's spring & tree pollen time in North Carolina, which means everything has a dusting of yellow on it. When it rains, there's rivers of yellow racing along the curbs. Even my grey cat Grady has a fine dusting of yellow on him. Love your pattern. THanks for the chance to win.

  42. This is perfectly spring in all ways! I just ove how you stitche the flowers to pop!
    To me spring is the sounds, the smells, and the spirit... so cheerful! Thanks for the chance!

  43. Hi Deonn thank you for the lovely tutorial and topper....Spring to me is the best time of the is like a rebirth of the earth and even of ourselves. It let's us dust off old man winter and come out feeling alive....I love yellow it is my favorite color...Now mixing it with gray well at first ahh not so much but now it has grown on me, what changed my mind was a table topper that I saw and it really tugged at me so yes I would be inclined to use it..I love flowers my favorite is Stargazer lilies, also love to use rick-rack as an embellishment all different
    sizes. I use to wear Hi-Heels all the time but not so much anymore just when I go on a date with my DH..Wonky piecing I like depending on what it is..I would love to win this as I do not have spring-y fabric and the colors are gorgeous. I hope I answered all you asked...Great gift and I hope you have a wonderful spring this year..Mine is going to be a little different than usual but I will deal with it and hope for a better spring next year....

  44. Super cute quilts, so springy. I love the smell of spring in the air. So refreshing!

  45. Deonn - awesome tut over at Sew We Quilt! Love this block as a table topper, and it's got so much potential for larger projects, too! I'm loving on springtime temps and lovely things blooming. Looking forward to the inspiring sunrise service.:) Grey is really growing on me as a nice part of bright quilts! Thanks for the chance to win!

  46. Thank you so much for the tutorial on your posie table topper. It is so cute. I want to make one today if I can find the right fabric. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. I am not a big fan of rick-rack, but after seeing your little table topper, I want to go out and get some of every color.

  47. I absolutely LOVE your table topper!!! It's so cheery and so spring! Thanks so much for sharing! I love rick-rack and pink! I love spring! It's a time for renewal and joy! :)

  48. Love, Love, Love, this little table topper! It is so fresh and happy!

  49. Living in Montana in the rocky Mts. our first little flower is the lavender crocus-just so beautiful!
    Thank you for a sweet giveaway!

  50. My favorite thing about spring are the bright cheerful colors after a dreary dark winter. The grass is greening up, flowers are starting to bloom and it's warmer...

  51. Still waiting for Spring here in Montana, we haven't seen the sun for days. Snow, rain but no sun. Love yellow, love rick rack, love grey in quilts. Love kicky skirts, but NO to high heels-I'm all about the comfort these days. Can't wait for some sunshine!

  52. It is 80 degrees where I am! Yellow, flowers, quilting, grey fabric in quilts, and spring get a great big YES from me! High heels and kicky skirts, and wonky piecing are more of a "yes, but for other people" thing. And rick-rack is really growing on me! Cute table topper!

  53. It is to early to start, but I actually love uncovering all the new growth in the flower beds each spring. The clean up....remembering what is where and excited something I planted the year before made it through the first winter.

  54. I love spring! Although my 'spring fever' is more about shopping for new sandals and capri pants and playing outside with my boys than it is about CLEANING, LOL! Thanks for sharing with us!

  55. i love planting and watching my garden grow

  56. Hi Deonn,
    the tabletopper ist just gorgeous,
    and I love this beautiful flowerquilt.
    Spring is when I can take my tortoise out in the garden/greenhouse, since yesterday they are in the greenhouse,
    because it is SPRING ☺
    Liebe Grüße

  57. Your tabletopper is so adorable. The rickrack really sets it off. It think making the quilt with just four blocks would make an awesome baby quilt. I have a granddaughter due in July, so this is going on my Grammy to-do list!
    One of my favorite things about spring are the beautiful flowering trees and tulips. The magnolias are so pretty!

  58. One of my favorite things about spring is the Magnolia tree that is outside my bedroom window. It is blooming early this year and when the wind blows, you can catch a faint bit of the beautiful scent.

  59. What is it about spring that makes me want to clean out closets? I don't know but it's true. There's a wren already sitting on her my carport. It will be another spring of a spotted car as she does her business flying in and out. :( But when the babies come it will all be worth it. blessings, marlene

  60. I love all seasons, and yes it is spring, my tulips are three inches high and this morning we put the barbque back on the back porch and got the table and chairs out. Yellow is one of my favorite colors.
    From Carol

  61. Spring is my favorite time of year. I love seeing the flowers bloom, and see the birds back at the feeders. Thanks for the giveaway :-)

  62. I love this tutorial!!! Actually I have made the chenille, a chicken pin cushion And two of these adorable tabletoppers all in the last 2 weeks! (you can see my toppers here ) I also linked back to you. Thank you- your tutorials are sew easy to follow!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!