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Monday, May 21, 2012

2012 Blogger's Quilt Festival

An Interactive Quilt!!

"Tag, You're It!", The Ultimate Social Media Quilt

For the past 6 years I've participated in the HMQS design challenge.   I always recruit my friend Debbie and at least one other person to join us in the fun.  We refer to ourselves as The Midnight Quilters, and this year we consulted with Debbie's daughter Amy (the techno-savvy young one) who helped us discover and set up the Microsoft Tags that we used as our design elements to make this year's challenge quilt. 

And if you can download the free app on your phone,

you can scan the center and each corner of the quilt to take you to five different sites on the web.  It's the ultimate social media quilt (and a great GUY quilt).  Not only can you scan the quilt... You can also scan a PICTURE of the quilt, or even scan a picture that has been scanned onto someone's PHONE (!) and the code will still work to take you to a website!

We had thought of making a quilt using the QR code below, but that one would have taken about 1,090 pieces! Although, it does make a cool design, too..

This was definitely a collaborative effort as we finished designing in EQ, Amy set up our tag codes online and screen printed the corner blocks, Debbie cut out the triangles with an AccuQuilt die, stitched the quilt together, then I quilted, bound and labeled it. 

Made by "The Midnight Quilters"  Amy Strickland, Debbie Proctor, Deonn Stott

Sold in a live auction to raise money for Quilts of Valor Foundation, we are honored that this quilt is now owned by the very fabric manufacturing company that supplied the fabrics for the challenge, Riley Blake Designs, who took it with them to International Quilt Market last week in Kansas City, Missouri. 

(photo by Amy Nguyen Newbold)
My SL Modern Quilt Guild friend Amy, aka Sukie, snapped this picture at quilt market and shared it with me on Facebook.  Cindy, over at Riley Blake Designs posted about it HERE.

Ever since watching a video about the Social Media revolution, I've tried a bunch of different ways to join the virtual world!  So I wanted to say thanks to Amy, AmyAmy, Kati, Samm and Dana, for their instruction and inspiration, and who have all reached out their arms and helped me jump on that train during the past year or so!   I'm catching on, bit by bit!  I still don't tweet, and I'm not LinkedIn, I don't even have a smart phone, but I have friends who do.  And I so enjoy what a small world it really is when quilters around the world can connect like this!

Amy's Creative SideNow let's go hang out together at my neighbor Amy's Virtual Quilt Show (wow, I know a lot of cool Amys!), with over 600 other quilters from around the world!  (Our techno-tag group quilt is #492).
← Happy Browsing


  1. Congratulations on such a wonderful quilt and its purchase and place of honor at Market -- very cool.

    Come see my entries 64 (repro. applique) and 85 (antique appliques).

  2. Amazing quilt...amazing concept...amazing technology...amazing you and your friends!

  3. You make a hi-tech quilt and I took five hours and much help to just do the link part. I don't think the brains have been fairly distributed at all!

  4. Super idea and such intricacy! I am afraid that I an not very techo savvy so I won't be trying out the links...

  5. Congrats! Very interesting idea and story. I like how it all ended up back where it started!

  6. I'm so far behind on my blog reading, I didn't even know this was your quilt when I saw it and took a picture. BTW, I scanned it and it worked--COOL!

  7. So cool. And to have it displayed at the International Quilt Market, good for you!

  8. I love the black and white quilt as I made a black and white King size quilt for my daughter and SIL. I would love to have entered your give away. I love it!!! Come join me at

  9. Wow! Very pretty quilt!
    Thanks for sharing this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!