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Monday, December 10, 2012

Snippets ~ Tableside Pressing Pad

Today's  Snippet from the Sewing Room...

A customized mini pressing pad to keep next to your sewing machine.
Find the TUTORIAL << for Riley Blake Designs' Cutting Corners!

Cutting Corners with Riley Blake Designs
I absolutely love my Big Board...
...but it's not quite as portable as this sweet little tableside pad.  
Plus, I can always change out the cover, or just make another if I have a whim! 

Hope you enjoy this little Snippet!  I sure do.  Check out all the tutorials for previous Snippets HERE.  Then be sure to pop in next Monday for another easy-sneezy project!  *Ü*

By the way, CONGRATULATIONS to Maria (Mo Eads), the winner of last week's UFO to GO! & Snippet Giveaway!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing these directions. I have tried to describe this to DH, but he just didn't get it. I showed him the directions I printed off, and he gets it now. You are a gem.

  2. That is beautiful and so practical.

  3. Wow!! Love the ironing board and your very sweet iron!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Both the big board and the mini board look like winners!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!