Saturday, August 3, 2013

2013 UFOs

Found a post I never published from last August 2013.  "A Day Late and a Dollar Short..."  Now it's time to create my UFO project list for 2014, since the first quarter is over...  Nah.  This will do.  It's probably the same list!

@)!# (Haha, oops - I first typed the numbers 2013 with the shift key down - had to fix that!).  Yeah, dang UFOs, why can't they just get finished all by themselves??  

So... It's time to fess up.  I didn't create an actual 2013 UFO List.  I stopped counting last year at 87 UFOs, and only completed four from that list, so it's pretty much the same.  But I did make at least one brand new quilt:

It is a little discouraging to see that there's not much of a dent in the UFO pile.  Besides. It's been quite a full first part of the year, with a move across town, the passing of both my father, then my husband's father two months later, estates to divide and settle, lots of quilting events and travels, including a 10-day choir tour; quilting for clients, designing projects for Riley Blake fabrics, choir practice two to three times a week, throw in a family reunion or two, and a couple weeks of 4-H Quilt Camp sessions.

And, as far as quilts go, everyone around here has a quilt or two on their beds, (some that my girls have made for themselves), we decorate with a few quilts on these tall walls, everyone's got their very own lap quilt or two, or three, and I've made a table topper for every season or mood imaginable.  But that doesn't stop me from designing or dreaming about new quilts.

And now it's August.  

I have finished one UFO from last year, a Lap Quilt for my daughter Lauren.

Lauren helped to make this before she left for Japan on a church mission for a year and a half.  In the sashing I quilted her name, the name of the cities she lived in, and the names of her missionary companions.  Then I quilted Japanese symbols for Faith, Hope, Charity and Love.

I've also made and finished a couple of small quilts:


This is my only entry in the County Fair this year, but it won a blue ribbon!

TECHNO-TAG Scannable Quilt

And so far this year I've added a few new quilt tops to the pile of "The Unfinished".   My sewing time has produced a bunch of small projects, not necessarily quilts ~ pillows, aprons, table toppers, hot pads, mug rugs, coasters, and a series of little Snippets. The quilts just seem to be getting smaller and smaller...  I'm pretty good at nametags now.  :)

A few weeks ago, my girls decided to move my sewing room to the basement.  Yup, while I was away.  Now it's time to take a good look at these projects and be realistic.  Will I ever get these made?  Is it time for a Quilter's Yard Sale?  Should I sell them on Ebay?  Do I save them for a rainy day?  For my kids' inheritance?  She who dies with the most fabric...

So this year's  next year's  today's list will include the new tops, and maybe a couple from last year's list.  
1)  RBD Sampler from our "How To Quilt" video series.  Border, quilt, bind.  


2)  A Country Star - this one is on the longarm right now.  Quilt, bind.  I'll count that one as WORKING ON IT.

3)  Bloomin' Garden Blossoms - Quilt, bind.

 4)  Hexie Meadow  Move sun, replace dark patches, quilt, embellish, bind.  

DONE, and PUBLISHED... and (!) ON THE COVER of Quiltmaker Magazine May/June 2014!!

5)  Drunkard's Path Topper  Piece - Quilt 

Pick out - re-Quilt - Bind.  Sewn together and QUILTED - Now I have to unpick and REQUILT.  Tried a new style of quilting, and I didn't like it!  RE-DO!

6)  A Carpenter's Wife.  I loved making this one.  2 yds background, 1 layer cake, then throw on some borders.  It's just waiting for the longarm quilter... (me).  Quilt, Bind.

7)  Buggy Barn Witches - Locate backing (it's around here somewhere), Quilt, Bind.  Love these cute little witches on brooms, feet dangling off... 

DONE!!  Even put on a Faux Binding.  Look for the Tutorial soon!

8)  Friends for Christmas  (this one's been on the list for 8 9 years.  Maybe this year?)  

YES!! QUILTED, BOUND - but still need to EMBELLISH!  Hopefully before Christmas 2014!

9)  Endless Chain (still a WHIMM=Work Hidden In My Mind) Test out using a tumbler for this antique pattern, collect fabrics, piece, applique' centers, quilt, bind.

and... maybe...
10)  A wedding quilt??   Well, how's this?  My daughter and I made a TARDIS QUILT for her "friend".

DONE!  He's now her husband. 

More than likely, Numbers 1-5 will still be there on next year's list.  Maybe the entire list will remain the same for 2014.   

See, I got to half of them!  So... here are a few more to add to my list.  They may or may not be actual UFOs, but goals, nonetheless:

Write up pattern and remake quilt for a few previous HMQS Design Challenge Winning Quilts:
Isabella's Bonnets - write pattern, piece, applique', quilt, bind.  Use Downton Abbey fabrics?

Wrapped Up in a Quilted Past.

Blossoms and Beyond.

Small Town Quilt Show - Write pattern (paper-pieced houses?), piece, applique', quilt, bind.

For now, I'm giving myself permission to enjoy the process.

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