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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy♫♪ (& a Happy Little Giveaway)

Quilts make me happy.
Making quilts makes me happy.
Quilting quilts makes me happy.

Quilting with family and friends makes me happy.
Quilt friends and friendly quilters make me happy.
With my friend Kathy in Nashville at the Grand Ole Opry!
Hadn't seen each other since we were roommates 30+ years ago!!
Eleanor & Sue!
Quilt Man!
Traveling to a quilt show...
On the way to Quilt Mecca
... shopping at the biggest quilt store in America,
at Hancock's of Paducah
... and hanging out in the vendor mall at a quilt show makes me happy!
Working at the AccuQuilt booth

Meandering through the backroads of the Kentucky countryside with a quilty friend
to see barn quilts makes me happy!!

Is this thing working??  Idunno, we'll see...

Observing quilters' amazing creativity makes me happy.
Taluk, a Tentmaker of Cairo, demonstrates his applique' technique
Taluk's favorite quilt
Sue McCarty, with her 2014 HMQS Best of Show quilt, "After Hadrian"
(Saw several more of her previous "Best of Show" quilts at the National Quilt Museum in Paducah!!)

Learning new quilting techniques from renowned fabulous quilters makes me happy!

Claudia Pfiel with her 2014 HMQS 1st Place Art/Innovative quilt, "Fern Rising" 

Teaching quilty stuff, sharing happy little tips that make other quilters happy makes me happy!

Anticipation of teaching this class again (Small Town Quilt Show next week!) makes me happy!!
Snippets >> Slideshow <<

And as you may have observed in my previous post:
 Sharing a quilt makes me happy!
The perfect picnic, scenery, quilt, and company!

Having an excuse to spend time with my girls  makes me happy.
(Quilt Shop-Hopping - see our adventures HERE<<)

In essence, yep.  Quilting makes me happy.

And finally...
...It made me happy to hang out with the rest of the troupe
of the Home Machine Quilting Show committee last month
even though they made me sing to open the show each morning.
But, you could probably guess that music makes me happy, too.
Last year's theme was "That's Amore!"
This year's theme was "A Quilter's Symphony"
You'll just have to use your imagination...

Starts out with the tune of Beethoven's 5th Symphony and it goes like this...
H.M.Q.S.... H.M.Q. S...
(Then cue the music for the >> Happy Song<<)

It might seem crazy, what I'm 'bout to say...
H.M.Q.S. is my favorite place...
Thousands of quilters wait for this day -
Where quilters share, without a care, baby by the way.
It makes us (Happy...)

Clap along, if you're here, amazing quilts to see.
Clap along if you're here to test-drive a new machine.
Clap along if you're here to shop until you wilt;
Clap along if you're here 'cause you just love to quilt!

Come take a class, learn a brand new skill. (Yeah)
Every quilty thing, yeah, you'll get your fill. (Yeah)
And all our teachers are just "sew" fine. (Yeah.)
Much too much to do, now don't you waste your time,
And you'll be (Happy...)

Clap along, if you're here, amazing quilts to see.
Clap along if you're here to check out the latest thing.
Clap along if you're here to shop until you wilt;
Clap along if you're here 'cause you just love to quilt!

(Insert a little Beethoven's 9th for this part of the chorus: "Freude, shoener" etc.
keeping with the "Quilter's Symphony" theme...)
Friends from near and far now gather; Marvel at the quilts you see!
Passion, fabric & dreams combine to make this "Quilter's Symphony."
(Happy, happy, happy, etc.)
Can't nothin' bring me down, etc.
Because I'm (Happy)

Clap along, if you're here, amazing quilts to see.
Clap along if you're here to test-drive a new machine.
Clap along if you're here to shop until you wilt;
Clap along if you're here 'cause you just love to quilt!
Clap along, if you're here, amazing quilts to see.
Clap along if you're here to check out the latest thing.
Clap along if you're here to shop until you wilt;
Clap along if you're here 'cause you just love to quilt!
(Repeat chorus while dancing around the sewing room, guild meeting, quilt shop or quilt show).

Whew!  Thanks for making it all the way to the bottom of this long post!

What happy quilty things have you been up to lately?
1) Comment here for a chance to win a happy little stack of fat quarters.

2) Let me know how you follow Quiltscapes for a second chance.

3) Sing my version of the Happy Quilters' Song just for the heck of it.  Ü
(Substitute your favorite quilt show/quilt shop for the HMQS references)

Update:  Contest is over and a winner chosen:


Happy Quilting!!!


  1. I'm friends with Kathy, too! But I haven't seen her in a few months since I quit going to guild meetings. I wish I'd had a chance to here more about the Egyptian quilts while in Paducah, but it was crazy there! :)

  2. Yesterday I made a zippered pouch, Susie, designed by I used fabric that a friend brought to me from Istanbul, Turkey. Today I gifted the pouch to my friend, and she was totally surprised and HAPPY! It made her day!

  3. I follow your blog via GFC.

  4. One quilt for a new baby on the way and two more to go!!! I found an adorable pattern from Mida Bakeshop and it will probably be the pattern that I will use all the time!! It has pinwheel blocks and prairie points... Absolutely adorable!!

  5. I have been busy organizeing all my embroidery floss that I use in hand applique and hand embroidery. Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway,

  6. I am a follower via Bloglovin. The Egyptian quilt looks amazeing.

  7. Actually finishing a quilt can't wait to get the quilting completed so that I can have a completion.

  8. You certainly had a happy trip. Wish I had been there. I would love to see the tentmakers of Cairo in person (along with all the other fun things.)

  9. I love that song! We dance to it in Jazzercise and it's so fun. :) And I wish I were with you on your happy journey! I follow on Bloglovin. blessings, marlene

  10. I love everything about quilting too... I think the fabric "hunt" has to rate right up at the top tho.. I just finished a small pillow, am machine quilting a queen size quilt on my dsm, and hand quilting a throw size quilt. Can't wait to get them done so I can start something new. LOL... my mind is always jumping ahead to the next one.

    Thanks for a chance.

  11. Wedding gift finished!! A christmas tree skirt

  12. What a fun trip. Yesterday, I basted my last UFO. It's queen size so it will take me a long time to quilt

  13. I follow with email and GFC.

  14. Deonon great post. I have been busy making things for my 1st grandson

  15. I already follow with bloglovin

  16. I follow with bloglovin'. Thanks for the chance!

  17. I follow via email, and all your inspiration makes me happy! Thanks, Dee

  18. Your post made me happy, especially your song. I hope I will be able to attend the Paducah show one year, it looks like a lot of fun. I'm working on a raffle quilt for our local senior center and I have a baby quilt for my 4th granddaughter to make along with my oldest granddaughter's first big girl quilt. Thanks for sharing your happy pictures.

  19. I'm singing along with you! Very cute. Quilting makes me happy too - especially accomplishing something new successfully. I've been working on some challenging curves.

  20. how wonderful to follow you on this fun journey. thanks for sharing. right now i am making a king sized civil war quilt for my sons wedding. it uses civil war fabrics and civil war blocks. Really cool, each block has a history behind it. I am learning a lot as well as having fun. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  21. I follow you via email and now FB quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  22. I sang this cute song to rap. LOL lots of fun quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  23. I want to drive through kentucky with a quilty friend!!

  24. I follow via email laura84watt(at)gmail(dot)com and on FB as Stitching Happily

  25. Fabulous post! Enough inspiration to make me happy for the whole day. I am working on a quilted sunvisor.

  26. I gave the song a try. With my voice you are lucky you can't hear me sing but my heart was in it. Thanks for the fun.

  27. Recently my husband and I visited our son who graduated college a couple years ago and moved 900 miles away. It's always a happy time when we get a chance to see him.

  28. I am making "Pencil Crayon" quilt wall hangings for teacher gifts using Allison Harris' book. Love those barn quilts! Thank you for the chance to enter.

  29. I follow your blog on Bloglovin.

  30. I've been working on a quilt I started 6 years ago. Feels good to have it so close to done. I've also been working on a couple quilted tote bags.

  31. I'm always working on several things, binding for a scrappy quilt, a swoon block for a swap, about to start a bag that I'm teaching to a few church friends, mini women of the bible block and had ideas for a GO! quilt this morning, so may cut out a few things for that, oh and I need to test some BOMs for my guild.....

  32. I guess you are happy? Lol Love this post! Love the song, theme and pictures... made me happy to see. (When I saw the Padukah sign I thought - Quilter's Mecca - then I saw that you thought the same thing... we must be twins!) Thanks for the injection of happy this morning. I'll be back.

  33. That is a happy list! I love your herringbone red-white-and-blue quilt. Delightful!

  34. How fun! I have three quilts I keep working around the business of little ones. They're all at different stages, partially sewn, waiting quilting, and need to figure out the back. Of course there are about 20 in my head. Thanks so much for sharing your happy!



  37. We have been camping so for me it has been hand work!!! Hexi's! !

  38. you're post made me happy (love barn quilts!).

  39. I follow you on bloglovin. I am always Happy to be doing anything connected to quilting. LOVE, love, love the quilting song done to the happy tune.

  40. i love your blog - I follow with email posts. Your happy"ness" is contagious. I'm working on a wool project & some ufo's. Thanks for the chance to win some "happy" fabric.

  41. I made two cushion covers for a work colleague who wanted hidden zippers at the bottom at the cover so yesterday I made my first two cushion covers with zips in the bottom and they are invisible! I still prefer a flap covering the zip in the middle of the back better though :)

  42. I am a follower through GFC and I love that I now have that happy song in my head!! I'm so happy!!

  43. I follow you through email -

  44. Those are cute fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win them.

  45. Had my 4 grandkids here for 10 days....lots of fun.

  46. I follow you through E-mail, facebook and your Blog is on my Blog roll. I'll be seeing you at the Small town Quilt show. Sorry I didn't get signed up for any classes, just trunk shows. I have to make time to see the Quilts, too.
    I sang a long as I read your lyrics. I say we need an encore at the Show in Midway!

  47. I'm making a baby quilt for my niece's first baby! and singing along with you of course !!

  48. I making a new quilt for the guest room.

  49. You do look quite happy in all those photos and for good reason. I'm sewing four different things right now. What can I say...I'm a little ADD. :O) You wouldn't want me singing any song and of course I love following you around on Bloglovin!

  50. I'm planning out a round table topper for my sister.

  51. I think happy must be your middle name. so much happiness it is infectious. I am so happy this morning as I have been looking for a long hexie plastic template here in the UK and this morning amazon finally had some, even happier they are half price. needless to say I have ordered one

  52. Hey, that's me in that post!

  53. Thanks for the fun post. I've been working with batiks lately. Working on patriotic and a boys quilt.

  54. Having someone use a quilt I made for them makes me happy!

  55. what makes me happy is seeing you happy and sharing Happy with you .....

  56. what makes me happier is seeing you so happy and our shared passion for HAPPINESS....yep you do that for me x

  57. I am much happier today after I read your happy blog; your happiness certainly makes me happy. I'm happy to be making a quilt for my special grandson - almost ready to quilt it. Thanks for a chance to win those gorgeous fabrics.

  58. I'm happy to be a follower with Bloglovin'.

  59. I have been happy collecting little boy prints to make an I Spy hexie quilt for my new grandson. Thanks

  60. I started a new quilted wall hanging using wool felt that is appliqued on each block. This is a new technique for me and I am really loving it. It makes me happy when I work on it.


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!