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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mini-Snippets: Pincushion Ring

Sometimes I just need a tiny place to stick some pins.


1-inch 2-hole button
1/2-inch (1.5cm) felted wool ball (source)
(Make your own from wool roving:  TUTORIAL)
2" covered elastic hairband

1)  From the top of the button, push one end of the elastic through
a hole in the button to form a loop.

2)  Push the second end through the other hole.

3)  Use a little hot glue to adhere the wool ball to the button.

Slip the elastic loops over your index finger or thumb and get sewing!

Like this quick little project?  Click to see more >> tutorials <<.  Don't want to miss more mini-snippets from my sewing room?   You're welcome to subscribe:
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Happy Stitching!


  1. Awwwww, this is so stinkin' cute!!! I need to make a few for my quilting buddies! These would be perfect for those take along projects! Thanks!

  2. So cute, fast, easy, and useful too. Thanks for the tutorial!

  3. This would even be fabulous for teachers who push-pin or thumb-tack bulletin boards. Uber cute idea and thank you for sharing. Creative Pincushion Bliss...

  4. what a good idea I am always dropping pins etc this could be the answer

  5. 3 items, 3 minutes, 3 smiles for you....darn cute


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!