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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Pilgrim Song

This sweet American folk hymn always touches my heart. 

Pilgrim Song  Mormon Tabernacle Choir 


My brethren, I have found
a land that doth abound
with fruit as sweet as honey;
The more I eat, I find,
The more I am inclined
To shout and sing hosanna.
My soul doth long to go where I may fully know
The glory of my Savior;
And as I pass along I’ll sing the Christian song,
I’m going to live forever.
Perhaps you think me wild,
or simple as a child;
I am a child of glory;
I am born from above,
my soul is filled with love;
I love to tell the story.
My soul now sits and sings
and practices its wings,
and contemplates the hour
When the messenger shall say,
‘Come quit this house of clay,
and with bright angels tower.’
And as I pass along
I’ll sing the Christian song,
I’m going to live forever.
(Pilgrim Song, arranged and adapted by Ryan Murphy)


  1. I missed spotting you the past two weeks. Hope you are still singing. My sister attends at the Tabernacle every week now that she is serving her Mission in SLC. I'm so happy she can be there in person.

  2. Deonn that is one of the most beautiful videos you have shared today, wonderful words, beautiful tune, amazing scenery and the singing outstanding, I am a Christian but certainly love seeing your choir video, thankyou so much for sharing with us


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!