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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Quilt, St. George Style kicked off with a "quilty" start at a great little retreat last week:  Quilt St. George

The first night I taught a Carpenter's Star class.  There were several groups of ladies who were sisters, cousins, even double-cousins in class!  We cackled together like a regular "Hen Party", as my grandpa used to call gatherings like this, but got a lot done in the mean time.  We ended class with a quick demo on pre-cut mitered borders.  Too bad we were so busy I forgot to snap any pictures!
The next day was a full day of teaching.  First up, Sheep Shape!  I was so happy to see my friend Carol of Just Let Me Quilt, who joined me for the class.  She's got a fun sense of humor and I adore her!  
(photo credit)
 In no time, little hexie sheep began appearing around the room!

As of yesterday, Carol finished her quilt top and has already sent it to the quilter!  Take a look:  Just Let Me Quilt.

Ended the day by hosting a Little Owlie Pincushion Make & Take project from this "tutowlrial" by Moonstitches.  They're a hoot, and so dang cute!  Here's a pic of everyone's creations!  Whew!  What a day!

The next morning, I got to hang out with my cute friend Rochelle, whom I had met at a quilt retreat a few years back.  We explored a few little kitschy places around St. George, including the local Habitat for Humanity's RE-Store.  It was a blast.

 Her little owlie pincushion on the dashboard led the way.
The fun didn't end there.  I attended a few luncheon trunk shows including Sandra Starley with an antique quilt collection that was a true feast for the eyes!

And Kimberly Bourne who shared her inspiration and creative process for modern quilt design.  I took Kimberly's Allyson class, featuring "pinless" curves.  I'm always excited to try new techniques - especially if it can simplify the process!

And finally, I spent a day with Barb, shop owner of Quilted Works, at her home studio where we laser-cut the applique' pieces for my next pattern, "Owl Always Love You".


Who (or "hoo" in this case) wouldn't want a kit, laser-cut and all ready to go?!  I'll be teaching at a few retreats and quilt shows in the upcoming months, offering these laser-cut kits (see schedule HERE).  Thanks for a fabulous day, Barb!  Girls with power tools rule...

And thanks to quilty friends both old and new for a fun and fabulous weekend in St. George, Utah!


  1. OH, If only St George wasn't a LONG drive away from Me. You should come to Washington State.

  2. sounds like a great time was had and your students certainly were very busy with the sheep etc. I too made a couple of owl pincushions recently more or less the same but from a different sauce sorry source! How nice it must have been to met up with so many friends.

  3. Looks like you had such a wonderful time! Love those sheep and the owls!

  4. Looks like you're having fun. I love all the owls lined up. Looking forward to seeing you for Zircon Crystals next week!

  5. I had so much fun with you! I'm jealous that you got to spend time with Barb cutting away on her big machine. That is so cool! Thanks for the best class ever!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!