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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Done, Done, & Done!

I say there are three phases of DONE in finishing a quilt.

TOP DONE (pieced, applique'd, stitched), is "done".  D1

Sometimes, I just have to count it done when the piecing is finished, because I have to add it to that pile of quilt tops just waiting for the quilter (me)!

QUILTED is "done-done". D2

Working on my own projects is a nice way to relax and just quilt-doodle or practice new freemotion quilting motifs.  There's something so satisfying in adding texture and dimension to a quilt ~ it brings it to life!

BOUND and labeled is "done-done-done".  D3

I have to admit, I love putting on the binding.  *Ü*  But I'm not always the best at getting a detailed label on my quilts.  I figure if I document them on social media, that counts for something! 

I'm loving my little Purdy Bird quilt even more now that it's "done-done-done" and I have it hung up where I can enjoy it every day!  The Purdy Bird pattern is by Allison Richter, and can be found at her website,  See some of my tips when I made mine HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, and your quilting makes it just exceptional!!! Love it!! Hugs, H


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