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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Large-scale Improv Quilt Workshop with Ashelyn Downs

"Out of the Box" 
Large Scale Minimal Improv Quilt by Deonn

I recently re-joined the Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild, after 12 years of not being able to attend guild meetings as I had another commitment that took precedence.  The guild, stronger than ever, has some amazing quilters, many of whom are making a difference in the quilting world.

Ashelyn Downs is one of those amazing designers.  She graciously offered to share her fabulous process of Large Scale Minimal Improv for a guild workshop.  

Pulling big hunks of texutred fabric, a new color palette for me (using bargain pre-cut fabric acquired at Quilt Market's sample spree frenzy), snippets of pieced elements (no more than 3 types) and all the desicions that go in to laying them out in a pleasing balance - well, I was a little bit out of my comfort zone.  A lotta bit.

Ashelyn helped me to get started.

More elements.


Final answer.

Luscious Minky backing was the perfect color, but not wide enough, so I improv-pieced the backing too. Then I quilted it with a design called "Nylon" by Melissa Kelley (see the video below).  Looks like cable knit.  I bound it with a scrappy pieced binding using fabrics from the quilt - joined with straight seams to keep the right angles consistent through the design, and to balance the colors.  

Yep. Oh, this is a comfy quilt!  Luscious and snuggly, went together quickly, and I adore it.  I think I may need to step out of the box more often!

Check out more of these quilts in progrss from the workshop and a later guild meeting.

Find more of Ashelyn's work at www.urbandwellstudio and on IG @UrbanDwellStudio.

Happy Quilting!


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So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!