It has been a busy quilting week, full of fun and excitement!!
To begin with, one of my quilts was posted in Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims quilting podcast (
I kept getting emails from quilters around the world asking about the pattern for the Mexican Star -- available from Southwind Designs HERE. The picture was posted in conjunction with Cinco de Mayo. I had read the same newsletter, but fell asleep at the computer right before I got to the picture of my quilt.
This week was also the Home Machine Quilting Show Expo at the SouthTowne Center in Sandy. Having participated in a small way for the past couple of years, I was invited to help the judges as they judged the quilted jacket and vest category this year. This show brings in teachers and judges from around the country, and had over 300 quilts and quilted garments for this prestigious quilt show. I invited my sister Renee' to be on my committee to help the judges, and we were treated to dinner with the judges and committee last Monday. Then Wednesday, even though it was her birthday, Renee' enjoyed helping with the judging that morning, working as their scribe. THANKS, RENEE'!
My fellow quilter, friend and the Wasatch County Extension Agent, Debbie Proctor, was also involved with the show. She had set up a 4-H booth to encourage quilters to share their skills with the next generation, and to give ideas for easy quilts and sewing projects for kids. Debbie asked Lauren to present her prize-winning quilting demonstration that she gave last January at the 4-H Nationals in Denver. They even sent down a cameraman from Utah State to film it, and she did great! Check out her video:
Lauren also made friends with the folks from the Quilter's Rule company, whose cool tool she uses in her "Quick & Easy Quarter-Square Triangles" demonstration, and they actually gave her a dozen of the little rulers in a cute peach color to insert in her "Lolly's Star" patterns.

OK, then the final thrilling moment for me was to hear my name and see my cute little wall hanging with wool flowers up on the screen as they announced the 3rd place winner in Wall Hangings with a cash prize of $200. So much fun! Cash for Quilting... gotta love it!
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So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!