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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cutting Corners & A Giveaway!

Today's gonna be a good day! 
It's Tuesday, Tuesday - Tutorial Tuesday
at Riley Blake Designs Cutting Corners College!!  Today's Topic:  Finishing School ~ Setting * Sashing * Binding,
and we're growing quilts today!
Take 9 quilt blocks, add a bit of sashing, setting, stitching;
maybe more blocks, borders and binding;
add a bit of little time, a little quilting music, invite a few friends to help, and voila!!
You've created a snuggly treasure you'll adore!

AND... (insert drumroll here) ....... a GIVEAWAY!
Find out how you can enter to win a selection of Riley Blake Designs
fabric precuts of your very own! 

You're gonna ♥ it! 

Check it out HERE ↓
Cutting Corners with Riley Blake Designs

Good luck, and Happy Quilting!

P.S. so many of you have already commented on the previous post;
just letting you know I gotcha counted in the Giveaway!

We have a winner:  MoeWest!!!  Congratulations - look for your package of goodies in the mail!  A precut stack of goodies in the mail from Riley Blake Designs!   


  1. I love the courses you teach @ "Cutting Corners College"! I think that my favorite way to display the blocks was the 42x42 Baby Quilt. I found your tutorials on the Riley Blake blog about a month ago & have been following your blog since then :)
    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Loved the tutorial, the way the blocks can be showcased in different ways which make the design completely different. Loved the stars once you inset the trianges. Honestly, didn't notice till you pointed them out !
    Thanks for sharing.
    I'm a blog follower and have had lots of fun since finding you a few weeks ago. Thanks for getting me motivated.

  3. A great quilt!
    My favourite layout is the 63" X 63" with the blocks on point!
    I'm already a follower

  4. This is a well planned tutorial - I would grow this quilt to the 63" x 63" on point with hourglass blocks. Just think - I'd have increased the block sizes to achieve a bigger quilt - haven't previously considered sashings and borders to do so if they weren't already part of the pattern! Live and learn! I'm already a follower.

  5. I love this tutorial. Great ideas. I especially like the 57x57 made with the quarter-square trianles. I am a follower. Thanks for this opportunity to win some beautiful fabric.

  6. I really like the 60 x 60" Lap Quilt with Setting blocks, Sashing and two Borders, I liked the flow of the design and fabric patterns.
    I am already a follower.

  7. I really loved the on point quilt you've shown at Cutting Corners. That's my favorite type of quilt although I've never done one yet.

  8. I like the secondary patterns, like with your hourglass setting blocks. And I like the options with the 3 borders. They add more interest and frame the quilt.

  9. Your tutorial is fantastic. I think the 63x63 is my favorite although any of them are lovely.

  10. Great tutorial! My favorite quilt is the 57x57 quilt with the hourglass setting blocks and two borders.

  11. Beautiful tutorial! My favorite was the 54 x 54 blocks on point with sashing. It looks stunning! Thanks for all your hard work! onesassyquilter at gmail dot com.

  12. I like the first baby quilt the best. Thanks for being my quilting friend!!!

  13. There's so many great looks you offer on your "design wall". I must say that seeing the blocks turned on pointe, really caught my eye - especially with the sashing and 2 borders.

  14. I really like the 60 x 60 set on point. The aqua sashing and double border look complete to me.

  15. I love the 70 x 70 with sashing! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and talents with us!

  16. OK...I'm echoing Lori and love the 70 X 70 quilt with the sashing! Like I mentioned on the tutorial college blog, it would be a great quilt for two to cuddle under!

    Love those Riley Blake designs!

  17. I'm now following you...

  18. I'm now a follower and love the tutorials! Thank you for sharing!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!