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Friday, March 2, 2012

Spring Chickens!

I spend a LOT of time in my sewing room.  Maybe a little too much time, you be the judge.  I especially love pincushions... chicken pincushions.
Right now, it's awful quiet around here...

Spring Chickens!
...nobody here but us Chickens...
You may have seen these gals floating around the internet on Pinterest,
 with a few appearances over on Quiltscapes
even a sighting in the middle of a recent RBD video tutorial!
I call them my "Hen Party Chicks."
You've got to admit, they're adorable ~ Don't they just make you smile?!  
I think everyone should have a basketful of these cheerful chicks.
Printable Instructions HERE
Today, instead of using Prairie Points for the beak, comb and tail,
let's try something new with some of Riley Blake's fun notions!
"If there's a simpler way..." (that's my motto!)
~ Supply List ~
*Two 3-1/2” to 5” squares fabric for chick body
(cotton, upholstery fabric, pre-quilted fabric, etc.)
*A bit of Jumbo Rick-Rack for tail feathers, beak, comb.
*About 1 cup rice, ground walnut shells, silica sand,
or use polyester fiberfill for stuffing (your choice).

Spring Chickens!

~ Instructions ~ 
PREPARE comb and beak pieces:
 Spring Chickens!
Spring Chickens!
 CUT one section of rick-rack for beak, FOLD in half, TRIM.
CUT one section of rick-rack for comb, TRIM.
LAY OUT one of the chick body squares right side up,
and ARRANGE beak and comb pieces as ↓ pictured.
 Spring Chickens!
 PIN- or GLUE-baste to secure beak and comb in place.
PLACE the other square right sides together over the comb and beak. 
Spring Chickens!  
Pin in place, then STITCH along the lines indicated,
using 1/4” seam allowances.
Start in the corner opposite the beak and comb.
Leave an opening at the bottom through which
you will be able to turn the chicken right-side out.
Leave the last side OPEN.  Set aside. 
Spring Chickens!
PREPARE tail pieces. PIN- or GLUE-baste pieces together. 
Spring Chickens!
SANDWICH your tail piece in the remaining open seam of the chicken:
Spring Chickens!
Spring Chickens! 
Align the top and bottom seams and center the tail.
Spring Chickens!

Spring Chickens! 
This will form the pyramid shape of the chicken.
PIN, then STITCH across that seam.  
Spring Chickens!
Spring Chickens! 
TURN your chicken right side out through the opening.
(Hatch your chick!)
STUFF with your choice of filling;
HAND-STITCH the opening closed. 
Spring Chickens! 

  Sew on some little beads or poke a couple of pins in the right spot for eyes.
Spring Chickens! 
Spring Chickens!
Fabric:  "Daisy Cottage" by Lori Holt (Bee in my Bonnet) for Riley Blake Designs

Love these fabrics, and the soft cotton jumbo rick-rack worked great!
Spring Chickens! 
↑ Tried folding rick-rack for the comb, too.  So cute, makes me smile.
Hmmm, that gives me an idea...  
Spring Chickens!
↑↑  what was THAT?? 

WHAT IF...  I lowered the beak about halfway down...
Nope, didn't look right.  Had to rip it out.
HOW ABOUT... a double beak.   OK, I think that will work...  
Foul Fowl!
Stitch squares together along one side, enclosing beak.
Foul Fowl!
 {Tee hee}

I added a couple of Pom-Poms in the seam, too.  Rip it out again.  
Foul Fowl!

HOW ABOUT IF... I stitched a little Ultrasuede eyebrow...
Foul Fowl!
 {Heh heh...}

Now add a couple of  folded comb pieces....
Finish the other seams...
 Foul Fowl! 

Add the rick-rack tail,
Turn him inside out...
Fill with rice, Stitch him closed.
Add a couple of little pins for the eyes...
 Foul Fowl! 
{Hahahaha! Snort...}
Look what Momma made!
Oh, my goodness, it's a..... a.....
{wiping off tears...}

OK, guess you had to be here... :)  
Pincushion?  Beanbag?  Hackey-Sack?
Won't these be fun for Easter?
Oh... what about a bunny?  
Uh... No. 

Let's just stick to Chickens, and we'll have a Hen Party!
                                                      ...and what is THAT ?!?   ↓↓ 
Spring Chickens! 
 Hope this tutorial helped you get started on your own batch of  these Spring Chickens!
  And that little mystery chick that snuck into my picture?
Stop by Quiltscapes to see him, and all his little friends...
Be sure to join me on the 2nd Monday of each month for Quilting Basics
tutorials right here on Cutting Corners College. 
Until then, Happy Sewing!
Comments from RBD
  1. I love your chickens, I made one but after seeing your basket full, I want to make more... I love the ornery looking one, but my favorite is the black and white check one...
    by Gloria
    March 05th, 2012 at 6:37 p.m.
  2. Thanks for posting your tute! Making a chick has been added to my list of things to do. Yours are absolutely darling. :)
    by Susan
    March 06th, 2012 at 10:16 p.m.
  3. I found your tutorial for 'a Hen party' this morning and I'm on my way with 7 small hens. I have enjoyed so much to make them, that I am sure to continue tomorrow. Thank you so much.
    by Jytte R
    March 15th, 2012 at 10:28 a.m.
  4. Thanks for the tutorial, I'd forgotten all about these... I bought a kit from Panduro Hobby in Norway about fifteen years ago and never got around to making it - many thanks for the reminder!
    by Gilly
    March 18th, 2012 at 2:44 p.m.
  5. I love the way you have used the jumbo rick rack to embellish the chicks. The foul fowl and bunny are good ideas too.
    by Val
    March 31st, 2012 at 11:50 p.m.
  6. Love these. Of course, I'll have to make a basket of Daisy Cottage Bunnies. I love Pink. Thank you!
    by Auntie Pami
    July 04th, 2012 at 11:32 a.m.
  7. Oh my goodness, these are just too darling The last "chick" reminds me of the Angry Birds that are all the rage now.
    by Debie
    August 31st, 2012 at 9:31 p.m.
  8. Oh, my goodness! These are just what I was looking for and your adorable chickens have inspired me!
    by Susan
    September 19th, 2012 at 4:19 p.m.
  9. These are so cute. I can't wait to make them:)
    by Beth
    January 02nd, 2013 at 12:54 a.m.
  10. Just love these little chicken pincushions. Made one today. So Cute. Thank you for your tutorial.
    by Bonnie
    February 04th, 2013 at 2:27 p.m.
  11. Hola te felicito, son unos proyectos lleno de mucha imaginaciĆ²n. Me he quedado fascinada con tu blog.
    by Susana
    May 08th, 2013 at 8:18 a.m.
  12. Thank you for introducing me to these cute chickens. And for all the extra links.
    by Laura D
    November 27th, 2013 at 8:06 a.m.
  13. Too cute! Thanks for posting the tutorial.
    by Dasha
    November 30th, 2013 at 4:48 a.m.

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