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Monday, October 1, 2012

A Little NeedleNook

A little snippet from my Sewing Room:

Featured project from the recent How-To-Quilt video with Cindy at Riley Blake Designs
This cute mini sewing kit is made from the scraps used to test our 1/4" seam allowance.

3" NeedleNook

Cover:  3-1/2" 9-patch or other quilt block plus a 3-1/2" square
Center:   2-1/2" x 5" felted wool piece
Pocket:  3-1/2" x 5-1/2" rectangle
Lining:  3-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangle

1)  STITCH the two 3-1/2" units together to make the outside cover.
  PRESS seam to one side.

2)  FOLD pocket piece in half, layer over back cover;
 align raw edges along the short side.

3)  PIN lining right sides together over cover, enclosing pocket.
STITCH along three edges, leaving pocket bottom edge open.

4)  TURN right side out through the opening, with pocket still over the cover as pictured.
PIN then STITCH remaining raw edges together.

5)  FLIP pocket to the inside, enclosing raw edges. 
PRESS, then EDGE-STITCH to finish cover.

 6)  FOLD the needlenook in half and CREASE a center mark.
FOLD the wool piece in half and CREASE as well.
Match centers and PIN to secure.

7)  Flip your needlenook over and STITCH through all layers 
along center seamline of outer cover; backstitching at the beginning and ending.

 8)  Use your new NeedleNook to store thread, floss, tiny scissors,
extra sewing machine needles, thimble, yo-yo maker, hexagons, etc.

Ready to "Sew on the Go!"


  1. Love your tutorial today. This is sweet. Thank you for sharing...Judith, Texas

  2. This is so cute. I am new to quilting. How big are the squares in the 9 patch?

    1. Hi, ItsyBitsy! Good question. The squares are 1" finished size. This means that you cut 1-1/2" squares and stitch them together using a scant 1/4" seam allowance. Once the tiny squares are sewn together, it will make a 3-1/2" block, unfinished size. Or you can watch this video to see how we made it with 1-1/2" strips.


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!