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Monday, November 12, 2012

Snippets from my Sewing Room

~ Introducing ~

SNIPPETS: Simple projects from my Sewing Room;
Gift ideas and Tutorials for hand-made doo-dads
using a few scraps and notions.

Today's "Snippet" is sooooo simple ~ and makes a great little addition
to your sewing room or a gift for sewing friends! 

It's a simple Scissor Pocket and served as the perfect "Baby Shower" gift when I welcomed my new Babylock Melody sewing machine last year!  Guests chose 5" squares and could test out one of the fancy stitches on the new machine as they made their scissor holder.  They each received a pair of cute little nippers to go in their new scissor holder.   Luckily, I remembered to snap a couple of pictures of the last group:

(My friend Debbie, her two daughters, and two of my girls)

Would you like to make one?  
See the full tutorial and printable pattern of this cute little Snippet for Riley Blake Designs' Cutting Corners!


Come to think of it, I've already posted a couple of sweet Snippets (Needlenook, Rosebud Wristlet Pincushion) recently.  It looks like I need to organize a page and reference them all together, make a blog button,  maybe try a linky party.  I bet I know where I could gather some prizes...  Meanwhile, hope you'll join me here Mondays from now until Christmas for the next little "Snippet" from my sewing room!


  1. These are really cute! Would make a great little project to do at a Quilt Guild meeting.

  2. Very cute! I'm going to check out the tutorial as well :)

  3. How cute! What a fun project.

  4. Fun project, and perfectly useful too!

  5. Cute, fun, easy projects! Great idea Deonn! I'm a follower!

  6. I have been stripping...wait that one gets me in trouble! It is ROWING! With Bee in my Bonnets row along! (Believe me people love to see the rowing...not so much the other one! Bwahahahaha)

    1. Haha, love it Ms. McRazie! Isn't that a fun Row-Along?

  7. Those are really cute. I have been working on Christmas stockings this week.

  8. What a cute scissor holder! Thanks for the pictures and the tutorial.
    I haven't been in my room as much as I liked, I'm working on replacing the fabric of a chair.

  9. I needed something to hold my scissors when I was on a trip last month. I kept having to put the scissors away (so they wouldn't get lost in the car, etc) then having to dig them out when I needed to use them. What a pain. Your scissor holder would be wonderful.

  10. I follow your blog and I'm working on a table runner.

  11. Love the scissor lanyard!
    Thanks for the chance to win....:)

  12. Love the project and I can see me making them for my quilt quild friends.

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for a chance at winning one.. always nice when you don't have to make your own....

  13. Love your snippets! I'm making a long overdue "being born" faux chenille baby blanket, and making blocks for Hurricane Sandy victims with Misha at Quilting Gallery. Thanks for the chance to win.

  14. wow! love the polka dots and the sweet lanyard pattern! thank you for sharing, please count me in!

  15. So sweet and neat! I just say the full line of Riley Blake ribbons coming soon and I'm uber excited! They go perfectly with your project!

  16. LOVE these scissor holders, Thinking they will make sweet little gifts for my quilt group! A friend from quilt group and I are going to be teaching sewing for the first time, to some young people at our community my craft room is abuzz with project ideas for first time sewers!

  17. I haven't been doing much in the way of quilting. I am in the middle of crafting 48 Christmas ornaments for the family to have ready for the Christmas parties.

  18. This is such a great little scissor holder. Thank you for sharing your techniques. I adore your "baby shower" party and the sharing of stitching you did with your friends. Blissful Dear...

  19. Very cute. I am a follower here.

  20. That scissor holder is a great idea and truly a special gift for friends who enjoy sewing. This week I am working on a Christmas table topper and am wondering if I should try hand quilting rather than machine for a change...

  21. Love this idea for travel sewing in the car to protect my precious applique scissors.

  22. Always looking for ways to carry my scissors, needle, thread, etc. for hand sewing. This is really cute and practical.

  23. I haven't been in my sewing room far a week now! AHHHHH! My sewing machine is being serviced and upgraded and I miss it so much!

  24. This is so wonderful. Thanks for the great tutorial.

  25. my sons girlfriend is a horse and green fanatic. Her sewing machine has no cover. So I am making a green cover with a paper pieced horse to go on the front.

  26. I am really enjoying your little tutorials on these small projects. I am finishing up two quilt tops for me. I only have one quilt for my bed and I decided to make another for Halloween and then thought I should have one for winter too so I started a second one. I hope to finish both tops this week. Then I am going to make your little wrist pin cushion and some of these sissor holders for my sewing group.

  27. What have I been doing in my sewing room - trying to clean up the disaster! But I have been working on applique in the evenings, in front of my fav tv shows of course! I love your tutorials, keep them coming please!

  28. That's a super cute little scissors holder Deonn. Great tutorial as usual as well. Thank you.

    Lately in my sewing room I've been trying to find it. I hit an awesome estate sale and at about $1/yd for quality quilting fabrics, we'll just say I showed no restraint. Oh wait, my husband said that to the women at the sale as he was so buried in his huge arms holding it that I had to start a pile on the table next to their checkout table. ha Hubby was awesome and washed/dried every bit of it and folded it up then brought it to my sewing room where it was stacked about 2 1/2 feet high in each of the THREE piles. Then my table was full and there was an entire trash bag of all white fabrics and a 32 gallon Rubbermaid bin full of even more. And there is more still on the floor too. Now I've been wading through it all to iron and fold it to put it away. I also have two boxes of magazines and very old patterns including old paper pieced patterns which include all of her quilting templates she's already cut out. No sewing going on here since I cannot see my cutting table and the entire floorspace in front of my sewing table is full of all this other stuff in the bins/boxes. I can't get to within about three feet of either table.

    Anyone want to sew my holiday gifts for me? LOL

  29. Adorable!!! I would love to win. :)

  30. Lately, I've been trying to organise my sewing room! Other than that, sewing bibs and blankets :)

  31. Cute project, I may have to make one myself. Thanks for sharing.

  32. I LOVE the scissor holder! Thanks for the chance to win! I just finished a quilt top for my mother-in-law :)

  33. Very cute.Thanks for the tutorial!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!