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Friday, August 2, 2013

Craftsy Class Giveaway!!

It's a new generation of learning...

Skills learned at the feet of our mothers and grandmothers seem to have "skipped" a generation. Quilting, for example.  We don't have the kind of time, the room, or the relatives that live close by to come on over and "put a quilt on" like in my grandmother's time.

These days we have virtual quilting bees, we quilt at home and sometimes we quilt with our checkbooks... (I can help with that! :)  And with access to interwebs, we can learn from creative people from one end of the globe to another, day or night.  I'm continually amazed at what people around the world are creating!

Right now, there's a cool giveaway going on at my favorite place to learn;  Sign up for Craftsy and click to enter to win a free class today!     >>  FREE CRAFTSY CLASS  <<   By the way, you can enter if you're already a member, too!

Just in case you haven't heard about Craftsy, it's where you can share pictures of projects you've crafted, sell your patterns online, and take classes on any crafty subject you can think of!  I spend a lot of time on my longarm, quilting for clients, and have my computer set up so I can watch/listen and learn as I work, any time of the day or night!  I've taken quilting classes, sewing classes, learned about precision piecing, knitting, and even baking artisan bread!  Next?  Maybe a cake decorating class.

Can't remember where this quote came from, but I like it.  My problem (if it is a problem) is that I want to learn to do everything.  Well, ok, everything quilty.  And, I want to learn it right now, today!  So go ahead, live it up, enter the giveaway, and get your little golden ticket to learn something new.  The giveaway is open now through August 14th.

For more freebie tutorials, check this:  Craftsy YouTube Series


  1. I have to confess, I really like that saying too. I love continuing to learn. I watched some basic classes on spinning and weaving on YouTube. At least I learned that I don't think I want to weave. But I could enjoy spinning if I get a chance to try it without buying the equipment.

    1. Cool, Gene. I found a free ebook to make and use a drop spindle to spin yarn; costs hardly anything if you make your spindle from a chopstick and old CD. Then I'll bet there's a Craftsy class to help you make something from your own yarn!

  2. I'm a fan of the Craftsy classes. I love that you go at your own pace and whenever you like. My only problem is my computer! Its old and has a tendency to shut down without warning, particularly when viewing video type files so I have a couple of classes I've signed up for that I haven't used yet, but I will! Replacing the computer is moving up the to do list slowly.

  3. As a retired school teacher I live by that quote!! I LOVE You Tube how-to-do it I am a fan of Craftsy Classes! I have always wanted to flower arrange, cake decorate, crochet or antique furniture...
    Thanks for the chance!

  4. Do you have any idea where that picture of the quilting bee came from? I think I know who those people are.


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!