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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Boogie Wonderland!! Blog Hop & Giveaway...

My turn today on the Black Tie Boogie Hop, the brainchild of the marvelous Madame Samm, organized by our Cheerful Cheerleader, Vicki, and Sponsored by Red Rooster fabrics (giving away bundles of their new line, Black Tie Boogie) among other prizes.

Now, you may know I have a thing for chickens - my very first guest tutorial ever was over at SewWeQuilt all about HENS and Chicks, and Hen Parties...but you may not know that back in the day I used to boogie down every weekend at the local disco... like this chick, haha!

My sisters and I would turn the stereo on and the lights off in the living room and practice dancing at nights.

Now I think it's funny when my girls tell me, "TURN IT DOWN, MOM!!"  And they may or may not be slightly mortified to watch me dancing in the quilt studio... but hey.  Groovin' to the beat helps get the project done!  Now let's BOOGIE!  (It's more effective if you hit the play button above ↑)

Bon Apetit! Tablerunner... ready for the holidays.

Can you tell I have a Chicken Kitchen?? this mug.
And these Italian chicken pitchers...

I also finished quilting this Hoo-Ville Chick wallhanging:
Hoo-Ville Chick is a bonus block with the Hen Party Chicks PATTERN

Now, for more listening pleasure, here are a few Boogie tunes from yesteryear.
It's a great way to erase 35 years...

Boogie Oogie Oogie.  A cool Saxophone version:

Earth Wind & Fire... that was the first 8-Track I ever bought.  
I've been movin' to the groovin' to this YouTube Playlist all day long.

Gotta at least play the first tune on my list, Let's Groove (#12/103)...  Boogie down.  Yeah, it's groovy.

So's this cute panel... would you like it?

Do you see quilt blocks on the stage in the second song (#13/103) on my Earth/Wind/Fire playlist (bottom video)?? What are the blocks?  I love this band, but after I saw their stage... I love them more. Remember #17 and Sing a Song #18 are among my favorites.  You can really see the stage in #18.  Hit the forward button >| if you don't want to listen to all the tunes on the playlist. Did you have a favorite group or dance tune?  Leave a comment and I'll choose a winner next Monday morning, 11/25.

Join these other chicks for our hop today...
November 21
Thanks for boogie-ing along today!

In case you're just joining us, here's the master list.  Boogie on!

p.s. of my daughters thinks I have a chicken problem; that I don't have enough chickens!
Contest is over and the winner is:


  1. Oh Deon, I see shiny pants and moves like the Jingle Bells Ad for K-mart. I would make checkerboard blocks to go with this panel. Was the stage a Star shape? Haven't heard that song in a long while. I usually Rock out with my Country tunes when I'm sewing

  2. Hi Deon such a funny chicken dance, you have certainly put a smile on my face over here in Sweden. and my favorite chicken tune is a Swedish one " Oh vad det var livat" in very free translation It was a fun and crazy time.
    I love your table runner it is so cool. Thanks for sharing your funny post and your awesome table runner and for a great give away.

  3. Very nice runner Deonn. Love all your chicks on it. I really like the pointy ends. Gives such interest to it.

  4. Love the fabric in that table runner!

  5. What a great table runner! I love this rooster panel--your holiday table looks ready to go and so inviting!

  6. I don't have a favorite dance tune but you gave me some great ideas for collecting one!

  7. Very nice table runner, and I really love your Hoo-Ville Chick!

  8. Wow!!! gorgeous that fabric!!!!

  9. ahhhh the runner, I could run away with that too..your binding looks like a rope…..totally cool…ohhh that cup I know that cup lol and your HOO-ville is a got have it too lol…ohhhh we sure had a boogie time with you …love the videos…lol

  10. You are a girl after my own heart, Deon, I have chickens all over my kitchen too! Your table runner is beautiful, and the Hoo-ville piece is darling. Your quilting really stands out on that piece.

    ~ Lynda

    1. Just color me red, Deonn...

  11. You are so funny Deonn! I love your table runner....those roosters are just adorable. And I am far too old to know much about those songs you're talking about although I loved the video. I sent it on to my sisters who has 22 chickens and loves, loves "her girls." I do go to Jazzercise and we dance/exercise to some of that music but I never know the singers even though she always tells us. :) My typical dance song would be anything by the Beachboys! blessings, marlene

  12. Love your table runner! My kitchen is decorated with chickens too! I love the older tunes like low rider, draggin the line, and fire. Thanks for the trip down memory lane

  13. Anything from the 70's makes me want to dance. (Oh, did I just show my age :) Thanks for the great giveaway. Love the table runner!

  14. I have always loved to dance and just about any tune will do. Love your site

  15. This is a wonderful table runner- now I love chickens and roosters for the kitchen!

    Loved Abba, Kool and the Gang and EWF while in high school and college!

  16. Love the table runner. I still love the Beach Boys.

  17. I really love the fabric in your table runner ! We used to go dancing all the time, country dancing, it seemed like all they played was Jeremiah was a Bullfrog...good grief !

  18. Oh I loved reading your blog. How entertaining. And your roosters...just gorgeous! My favorite "boogie" song....gee I grew up in a strict family and that music was considered the devil music. I do remember roller skating one time with s friend and they played "The Chicken Dance" . Guess I lived a sheltered life and need to learn a lot. Thank you so much for your great stories and songs.

  19. The roosters in your beautiful runner are so cool...I love that fabric and the runner design! Hoo-ville looks great and your quilting is gorgeous, of course! All that music got my blood moving this morning and luckily there's no kids around to laugh at my moves. I'm with Marlene, the Beach Boys get me up and dancing. LOL

  20. Do I see a hexie!?? I listened to E, W & F back in the day, but never say them perform. Love you runner!

  21. Great way to use that panel. Your runner is perfect. Love that little chick as well. Thanks for the inspiration!

  22. Love the table runner, so perfect for thanksgiving.

  23. Earth Wind and Fire were one of my fas...loved their outfits! Your tablerunner is so suave! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the giveaway! sewingblogsarefun at yahoo dot com

  24. Your table runner is fantastic. Those panels are great and the chick wall-hanging is so cute. Excellent job on the quilting may I say and implanting those songs in your all those!

  25. Lovin the chickens!! Sorry but most anything Country & Western would be on my play list!! As for the chickens, my kitchen is "Campbell Soup" so I think a Chicken table runner (similar to yours) would fit right in--it would go with Chicken Noodle Soup---wouldn't it??? Am off to check out more of your blog! Thanks for this chance.

  26. Love your table runner! Thank you for sharing.

  27. Great projects. Lovely fabric panel ...I love chickens & roosters. My kitchen is decorated in Roosters. I never really was that into music. I was always one who loved the peace and quiet and reading and sewing. This old girl doesn't dance either.

  28. What a beautiful table runner, just in time for Thanksgiving! I have a chicken themed kitchen as well.

  29. Hi! Love that runner,so pretty. I love chicks in the kitchen or roosters. In the 2nd video I saw the Flying Geese but not sure if the other wasn't a variation of Flying Geese. Thanks for this chance. Music forever!!!

  30. Oh, I love just about anything from the 70's and that rooster table runner is fantastic!!!! Thanks

  31. Great tablerunner. I'm thinking your chicks are just plain fowl. Love how the colors worked together.

  32. The runner is so wonderful. I like the little chick also. The music was fun, but I am like a couple of others, the Beach Boys are still the ones I listen to. Thanks for the chance to win the panel.

  33. I love chickens - and I love all your chicken bits and pieces! The runner is fabulous!
    I love the Beatles!!

  34. Your runner is too cute!! Listening to the music just makes me feel so happy and like dancing (despite being handicapped and unable - but I'm a good sitting in a wheelchair flailing my arms type of dancer!). LOL I love EW&F - they were my favorite and still are to this day! I just love the music from the 70's! Boogie on!! Woo hoo!!! Thanks for the chance to win the cute panel...
    Happy quilting!
    array-dawn at cox dot net

  35. You have definately boogied (spelling???) your way thru the day! Great post and wonderful table runner. You are all set for holidays in style!

  36. Seeing roosters and chickens always makes me think of my grandpa!

  37. What a wonderful collection of hens and roosters (and an owl to boot). I want to see you doing the chicken dance. LOL It looks like flying Geese on the stage floor and a Pinapple at the back of the stage. I wonder how they came up with these?

  38. Every song I hear is suddenly my favorite, it just depends on my mood. :) My current fave is "Friday, I'm in Love." Love your fowl! :)

  39. Love the runner - my Mom has those same pitchers (or close to them). I thought there were flying geese on the stage just like Susan did. I don't boogie well these days, but I play the 70's tunes thru the day while sewing with my SIL.

  40. I love me some Big Band Swing! Count Basis, The Mills Brothers, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, The Spitfire Band, Colin James...

  41. I love the material in your table runner, thanks for sharing

  42. There were a lot of great sounds in the 70's.....Foreigner, Beach Boys, Fleetwood Mac, Bee Gees, Abba and so many more. Can't say if I have a favorite....I just loved them all! I also really love your table runner and wallhanging! My kitchen is decorated in a French theme with French chefs and roosters. Thank you for sharing! anglanouette at gmail dot com

  43. Oh my goodness you are just so cheeky! I love your projects and your music certainly takes me back to my childhood...I will have to see what I might have in the record collection to throw on now!

  44. EWF brings back lots of memories! I love them all! Your table runner is lovely! Thanks for sharing.

  45. I do love music while I am sewing, but not the same from day to day. Recently I downloaded Willy and the Poor Boys - I used to love that but only had it in vinyl and no vinyl players are working!

  46. Love your chickens! Your runner is beautiful! Bee Gee's always had me moving, I so loved Andy Gibb! Thank you!

  47. Beautiful chicken runner....that fabric is just gorgeous! My favorite group right now is Train...being from the SF bay area makes me enjoy them even more...

  48. your projects are wonderful, especially your table runner. Your kitchen is like my moms' she was all about chickens and roosters also. I did disco but really had no favorites, mostley I loved the classicals

  49. My favorites are the tunes from the 50s and 60s, and that's what I listen to when I sew. Love the chicken rooster panel. So cute and colorful.

  50. So much fun. Quite a fowl collection. The table runner is great. I also really like Hoo-ville. Thanks for sharing.

  51. How much fun can a quilter have just bogging with Deone. I played your music while looking at your fun projects. Thanks for making me dance

  52. Really pretty table runner. Love the Boogie songs you put up. Earth, Wind and Fire are the best!

  53. Great job..but I am not surprised.

    I loved Celebration by Kool and the Gang "Celebrate good times, c'mon! It's a celebration..dun duh da duh." Look out I am groovin' now! "I Like the nightlife, I love to boogie, I love to disco roooouuuunnnd" heheee

  54. Neat table runner. The only chicken in my kitchen is a small wooden one given to me by a kindergarten student of mine about 35 years ago. It sits beside the microwave.

  55. Love your table runner...awesome fabric!

  56. I love your chickens and table runner. Perfect for Black Tie Boogie. Thanks for hopping. I believe you should dance no matter who doesn't approve...just dance and enjoy every minute. I love all the music to groove is so my era. Creative Stitching Bliss...

  57. You did a great job on the table runner. Love the stripe binding. Yep, I can see that you love chickens. I love your salt and pepper shakers too.

  58. Love your blog. Thanks so much for sharing

  59. Oh, your table runner is so sweet. You have a lot of chickens and who doesn't like to bust a move with flapping wings and clucking hands? Keep dancing and creating. It works for sure.

  60. What an awesome table runner! Love those roosters. Wow. I am on a chicken high. Quite fowl.

  61. Your table runner is fantastic! I'm a huge Harry Connick, Jr. fan, love to listen to him croon while I'm "playing" in my sewing room!

  62. you have certainly bought a smile to my face this morning with your chicken video, it is just great. I also like chickens, a few people around me keep them although we are in the city, the foxes are a problem though. Love to here them clucking and no roosters so no cock a doodle doing!!some great fabrics too

  63. Beautiful topper, the fabric is just great, I love it very much!

  64. Great topper. Love the videos. Earth Wind and Fire wow that brings back some memories. I like September, and how about the pineapple block behind the stage, just all in neutrals.

  65. My favorites from back in the day were Abba and Olivia Newton John. Obviously, I'm a bit older than you. I have chickens and roosters in my kitchen too. I wouldn't have picked the blue striped binding for the runner, but I LOVE it! It MAKES that runner just CROW! LOL It's totally awesome. Gotta go check out the rest of your blog now. Catch ya later!

  66. I have a cousin who's kitchen is done in roosters. This panel would be great for making her something. Thanks for the chance.

  67. The Beatles... The Everly brothers..Roy Orbison ...guess this all dates me (LOL!!) My party hen ( won on the last blog hop) needs a rooster mug rug... do you know of any fabric I could look for??? Love her ! My grand daughter wanted to snitch her last night! My grandson said she smelled too girly!! Boys !!

  68. Love your chickens. Really enjoyed the Randy Scot version of Boogie Oogie Oogie. Guess I am telling my age by knowing that song! Thanks for the chance to win!


  69. Bwock, bwock seems an appropriate response. lol My era of music was much earlier than yours so Elvis, Chubby Checker, the Tempations were individuals and groups I liked. Your table runner is so cute and after seeing all your chicken S&P shakers and pitchers, I agree with your daughter that you may have the bwock, bwock syndrome! (Plus, if you have moves like the disco-dancing chicken, perhaps you need to see a doctor - it looks serious!)

  70. Your table runner and quilt are gorgeous! Love the rooster squares and the striped binding. There is no way I can pick a favorite group or song. Your post brought back many, many great memories of dancing to disco music at the clubs. Oh the things I used to do. ; )

  71. I love your table runner. I guess when I was growing up I loved Elvis. I still love his songs but most of the time I listen to country.

  72. Thanks for sharing the link. I will never get tired of hearing Earth, Wind, and Fire. Did I see a Pineapple block as the stage backdrop and Flying Geese on the floor? Just one more reason to love them. I still enjoy listening to Journey, Foreigner, the Cars, and the Electric Light Orchestra. I may be old, but I can still get my groove on.

  73. WE love, love, love your table runner! A whole bunch of handsome roosters! Super!

  74. Royals is very catchy. The Hubby and I like watching The Voice :)

  75. Great table runner I love the colorful chicken. I don't actually have one favorite dance tune I like anything with a good beat that makes it easy to dance to.

  76. That is a very nice table runner. I love the colors. The pin cushion is adorable too. You have a very nice collection of chickens and roosters! Thanks for sharing and hope you have a happy and blessed holiday season.

  77. I am so incredibly late getting around for this hop---on deadline, 3 must get done soon items---but now that I am on the binding I hope to check in on all of you! I think you were having a wonderful time boogie-ing. Cute table runner and wallhanging. I can see that chickens are a big part of your decorating scheme.

  78. Thanks for sharing your music, too! Great tunes for free-motion quilting to!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!