Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Sweet Little Flock of SHEEP!

Sheep Shape/Hexagami class at Heber Valley Quilters' annual Spring Retreat (featuring my little Hexie Meadow quilt from this month's Quiltmaker magazine).
Look at these adorable kits that the retreat committee put together using Riley Blake Designs' fabrics!  

I began with a Hexagami lesson, showing three types of dimensional hexagons.  Hexagami stars, dimensional hexagons folded from circles...
See the HEXAGAMI tutorial HERE

... and a 3-D Heat-n-Bond Hexie Butterfly.  (Tutorial coming soon)

We cut out pieces in just minutes with the new Half-Hexagon dies that AccuQuilt sent home with me from my trip to Paducah!

Sally and Melissa get rolling:
 Heatherly stacks 'em up:
Katie's pile:

Hexagami Demo Table: 

A piece of batting became my instant Design Wall, then sweet little sheep started to pop up everywhere!

↑↑  Kandy's, Laura's  ↓↓



Laura gets her strips sewn:

I experimented with my blocks, while Cathy started to lay her's out.  Meanwhile, Michele scavenged through the trash cans and used everyone's scraps to cut out a cute mini!


Leah did the same!

We sewed, we laughed, we ate incredible feasts, snacked on treats to keep us sustained... we sewed some more and by the end of the day, we even had a few finished quilt tops!



Laura's too!

Woohoo!  So proud of these girls!  What a fun day!

Quiltmaker magazine with the pattern is still available on newsstands, quilt shops, online HERE, or as a digital copy HERE.  See the original quilt story HERE, and over at the Blogger's Quilt Festival HERE.  Linking up with Quilt Story HERE.
Happy Quilting!


  1. it's just adorable, I remember seeing this and wanted to make it!

  2. OMG!!! These are adorable!! I don't have a fancy cutter but I am sure I could easily make one without one!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. It's on my LIST for October, I think. I have a new Grandbaby coming....

  4. They are so cute! Love the minis!

  5. Oh, what a fun day you all had! Your design is precious and I loved to see everyone's version. I have the magazine and your quilt is on my to do list.

  6. wow those girls worked hard to make the whole flimsy in a day. Your butterfly looks interesting, will have a go at that.

  7. Loved seeing the flock! I have admired your sheep hanging and it was fun to see the process.

  8. I just have never gotten into the hexi craze but I love this little quilt. Thanks for sharing!


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!