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Friday, April 29, 2022

Tab Choir Quilt Show

Singing in the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square is such a joy to me, and as we finished a recording session last week with guest artist, Sissel, I snapped a little photo of the empty hall.  This is when two of my passions, singing and quilting, briefly collide!  

This old Tabernacle at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, where we perform, has amazing acoustics.  So amazing that unless there is an audience to absorb the sound of a full orchestra, 360 singers, and a pipe organ with over 11,000 pipes, the reverberation is just too much and the sound gets muddled!  We are invited to bring a "blanket" to throw over the pews and help dampen the reverb.  And we quilters in the choir love that we can bring our favorite quilts and have our own little private quilt show to enjoy while we're recording.  

Mack Wilberg
Even our director took a moment to sit after the broadcast and recording session to unwind and enjoy the quilts.  Here's a little sample.  

We had to hurry out of there, so the photos are not great - but it was delightful for the few of us.  

Afterward, I needed a snapshot of my Ypsilon quilt in the gardens outside the Tabernacle:

Look!  The quilt matches the flower bed!  Also, the little kids playing in the background!

In a few weeks, it will be time for my retirement from this world-class choir.  The past ten years have been filled with amazing, beautiful, delightful, awe-inspiring music, and my heart is filled with joy and gratitude for the privilege of joining my voice with this grand choir.  

See last week's episode of Music & the Spoken Word featuring Sissel.




  1. Your quilt in the garden is stunning. It looks as though it belongs there. Using the quilts acoustic value is a great idea and beautiful at the same time.

    I can imagine what a joy it has been to be a part of that choir for so long. I know you will miss it, and the friendships, so much. I hope you will be able to continue to enjoy both once you retire.

  2. It's been so fun to see you in the Choir this month. Retiring will be hard. Glad you could have the Pews draped in the Quilts. What will you fill your weekend mornings doing? Sleeping in???

  3. The quilts and music are lovely.

  4. how amazing and fun to have a private little quilt show at the Tabernacle!! I LOVE your quilt!!! And I envy you from my home in California , that you could sing in the Choir: that is one of my dreams, but it will never be, because my hubby gets headaches every time we go to the SLC valley (and he went on his mission there and had headaches the whole time!). So it will just be a dream, but I sure do love hearing you all sing! I've looked for you every time the choir preforms in the last few years but never seem to find you. :-( someday you could share with us one of the youtube songs if you are in it and tell us at what marker you can be seen! :-) Hugs to you!!!

  5. Loved the Tabernacle quilt show.
    All my friends that have been in the choir have "aged out" now. I had just heard from someone this week that due to COVID they had extended the "retirement" age. You look way too young to be leaving the choir for that reason, though.
    Your quilt is gorgeous, and I love the way it matches the flowers.


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!