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Monday, September 25, 2023

Garden of Quilts 2023 Recap

September has been a whirlwind of a month!  Another successful Garden of Quilts event is in the books!  I love attending and participating in this show - and there is just no way to describe the feeling of seeing so many amazing quilts displayed outdoors among 55 acres of luscious gardens - it just makes my heart soar!  It's definitely "Color Therapy!"  

Had a blast at an Ice-Breaker dinner, meeting up with friends and making new ones.

The "Let's Make a Quilt" Game Show Hosts & Staff

Jill Finley, RBD fabric designer, and Cindy Cloward co-owner of Riley Blake Designs

Amy Chappel, RBD Influencer

Amanda Niederhauser, RBD fabric & pattern designer

Paula McKinlay and Debbie Proctor, Quilty Cousins

New friends (sisters-in-law) who drove from Missouri 
and sat at our table.  Joyce won a grand prize! 
We sewed together that night at Open Sewing,
and they both took my Ypsilon class!

The class was quite full and we were just so busy, this is the only snapshot I got!  

Cutting out kits with AccuQuilt cutters and the half-hexagon die!

My other class was a Kaleido-Medallion class.   I'm not very good at getting photo proof of my classes - dang it!  Here are a few progress shots.

I just love all of the color combinations!  Can't wait to see these quilts all finished!

Wouldn't that be fun to have a wall of Kaleido-Medallion quilts all lined up in the outdoor show next year?  Here's mine from a few years back.

Update - My High School classmate, Arlene, was excited to bring her finished quilt top to a recent MHS'77 Sew Day!

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So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!