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Friday, August 3, 2012

Thinking Christmas... Blog Hop & Giveaway

Oh, how fun!  I love when Madame Samm gets a bee in her bonnet and thinks up these great hops to inspire quilters around the globe!  Thanks to Lesley for hosting, and to both for cheering us all along!

It's day 5 of the hop, with over 100 amazing, terrific blocks, quilts and projects so far!

I've been "Thinking Christmas" and thinking about some of my UFO collections I haven't even looked at since cleaning up my sewing room last January (you can see that story HERE), So I scooted the kitty off the window seat, dug around and found these stacks...  It's more like a UFO parade..

Woohoo!  It's like finding long-lost friends!   

These were all from Friendship Block Exchanges: 

Goshen Stars, a free block pattern from Quilter's Cache

Someday, with a few more blocks, these will actually become quilts.  Or maybe I should just combine the two... wonder what that would look like? 

Here's a sample used to demonstrate stained glass quilting for my guild about 5 years ago, using Clover's quick-fuse bias tape and a double needle.   

Applique shapes are fused to the background, then the 1/4" bias tape is ironed on to outline the shapes.  Add a layer of batting and backing, and use the double needle to stitch down the bias tape, quilting as you go.  I could add more quilting in the background, but this potholder just needed a quick machine binding...

DONE!  Find the FREE pattern templates HERE.

Next, I just love this quilt, Snowmen on Parade designed by Amy McClellan at Under the Garden Moon.  I've quilted several for clients, but have wanted to make my own, too!  Now that I found my stack of  blocks, I can get going again.

Jane's "Snowmen on Parade"

I love row quilts; finish a row, move on to the next one.  I've got a few more rows to go, and I think this has got to be my next.  Check out these snowmen!  A-dorable!!

And here is my next quilt... Does it look like ornaments to you? 

I was experimenting with my favorite dimensional no-sew curves, using some Joel Dewberry fabrics. 

Everyone I ask tells me it looks like Christmas ornaments, which was not exactly my intention, but might make a nice table runner, bed runner or door hanging.  

Now this is my first Christmas Quilt, still in the pile of "The Unfinished"; still waiting for the machine quilter (me).  You can read my little short story about it HERE--good for a giggle.

And finally, I've had this little block kicking around for years.  I was just learning to paper-piece, and found this adorable free Santa pattern at (Free Blocks/Christmasblocks II/Santa 3).   I added batting, backing, embroidery, and stitched it into a little quilted nametag to wear at guild meetings. 

Here's how to make a quilted nametag:
Sew your favorite block in any size up to 5".
• Leave a space for your name or stitch a 1-1/2" strip of muslin or white fabric to one side of the block.
• Embroider or write your name with a Pigma Pen on the block or on the strip.
Cut a piece of batting and backing to the size needed.
Lay right sides together and stitch around block, leaving an opening for turning.
Turn the nametag right side out, and hand-stitch the opening closed.
• Finish up by hand-quilting if desired, then whip-stitch one side of a safety pin to the back.

Don't you love that little QUILT brooch with the charms?  I received it as a gift, and of course no one remembers where it came from, but I love it and thought you might like a little set of quilt charms too!  How about a giveaway?
Quilting Charms from WWWearables
Let's see how Rafflecopter works, ok?  Click to enter, and follow the instructions. 
You can enter with your email address OR by signing in to Facebook.
1)  Name a favorite quilty thing you've received as a gift.
2) For another chance, be/become a follower of Quiltscapes.
(Will I make it to 500 followers??)
Drawing will be on Aug 8th, following the hop. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And now, there are only 143 days until Christmas.  Here's more inspiration:
Crazy 'Bout Quilts
Dexter Days
Cherry's Prairie Primitives
Somewhat Fanciful
Craftluver Marianna
Quiltscapes :) that's me!
Ruthanne at That Other Blog 
See Lesley's MASTER LIST, and Madame Samm's Pinterest collection HERE!!  WOW!  Hoppers can also have a chance at winning some wonderful fat quarter stacks - see Sew We Quilt for more info.
Happy Hopping!


  1. I LoVe your first Christmas quilt. :) Lovely!

  2. cute stuff! love the bias tape idea and didn't know you needed a double needle, the I assume just a straight stitch going around?

  3. Oh my goodness, Deonn, you have provided us with so much Christmas inspiration today. Your UFO blocks are very impressive! I love that Goshen block with the star in the centre. And the story of your Christmas quilt is so cute...maybe this year? The quilt is just so gorgeous! That Santa name tag is also pretty cute...might be calling my name! Thank you so much for participating, sharing your Christmas treasures with us and offering such a cute giveaway. Enjoy the rest of the hop.

  4. I feel it is christmas year round. If yu don't feel it, just go to your stash. Love all your ideas.

  5. Deon yours chritmas quilt are amazing, love the snowman parade! I,m on a quilt like this to.. critter chritmas.. hope i'll be able to finish it before chritmas! have a nice hop and come see my blog sunday, have a giveaway too

  6. Your work is beautiful. Thank you for sharing today.

  7. Thank you for sharing your Christmas spirit!!!

  8. Oh so many lovely things - yes, there are hidden UFO's/blocks in those bins that really need to be put to use - and quicken our gift making! Thank you for sharing with all of us today.

  9. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful blocks and ideas. Do love that UFO that needs to be is so fanciful.

  10. Good Morning Deonn, you certainly got some UFO am certainly feeling the Christmas spirit thanks to you..
    the charms are really adorable...

  11. Deonn, thanks so much for sharing your little Santa tutorial! You have some really neat blocks and projects going on! Love the Christmas tree pot holder and curves without seams is a favorite technique of mine too! Those charms are so neat!

  12. You have been busy. Thanks for sharing so many lovely things. Cute name tag.

  13. Wow! Lots of little pieces of inspiration and fun. I remember your story about that unfinshed quilt--made me laugh again. :O)

  14. I love the quilts and the exchange blocks, and thank you for the suggestion on making a name tag. I am following you and I see you do not have long to wait for your 500.

  15. Wonderful projects!
    I MUST try that no sew curve technique... have a book and everything.
    I'm a happy follower. Cute little charms.

  16. So many cute Christmas blocks! I have some Clover bias tape...hmm...I should try some stained glass...maybe a Christmas table runner...Love the row quilt and your Santa name tag! Thanks for the link to those cute charms and a chance at your giveaway!

  17. I am now a follower. The name tag is so cute with the little broach & charms. Love it!

  18. You've been very busy! Thanks so much for sharing. Love the name tag idea and the lanyard it's on is great!

  19. Wow! You've certainly shown us a lot! Thank you! Everything is so inspiring!

  20. Now that was a Christmas Parade, It is so making me thing UFO's!! Thank you for sharing all your beautiful work and I love the stain glass technique.

  21. What wonderful projects! I love the runner with the reindeer.

  22. I enjoyed the parade of UFO's. How many do I have in my bin? Wonderful name tag and great for gifts. Love your show today, put a smile on my face today and on to ahead start for the holidays. Thank you for sharing. Judith, Texas

  23. I've been a follower for over a year maybe 2!! I always like your quilt creations and get new tips each time I visit. The loop on the mat is simple but I'd not thought to do that..Duh??!! Love the Quilt!! Do you Longarm? I'm mulling over the idea of investing in a longarm but not sure if it's worth the money or not sure of my skill set to operate such a machine. Was it hard? What model do you own?
    Gmama Jane

  24. Wow you have been busy there! Love all your quilts and blocks. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Love the blocks and quilts. They look wonderful. my favourite gift was a variety of asorted feet for ny machine. Wonderful. It really is amazing what the correct tools can do.....

  26. I am also a happy new follower.

  27. You are so creative!! Love all your beautiful and adorable blocks!!

  28. Thanks for sharing all your projects with us. Your next quilt, the green curvy design, looks like lanterns or ornaments to me. I like it very much. You really should get that first Christmas quilt on the longarm. It is very cute.

  29. I'm a new follower, number 502! Yeah you made it past 500!

  30. You made it past 500 woo-hoo! I'm a new follower. Thanks for the inspiration.

  31. I love all your blocks!! And thanks for sharing all your projects with us!! Love them!!

  32. I am gaga for that row quilt. You are awesome!!

  33. Lovely examples, and yes that quilt does look like ornaments and fantastic ones at that!

  34. What a nice row quilt you have created. There are so many great Christmas blocks to give inspiration. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  35. Thanks for sharing your fabulous makes!

  36. Your projects look fabulous!! Thanks for sharing them!

  37. I love row quilts your's is adorable. My favorite quilty gift is my mini quilt, my Secret Santa sent from the UK last year. I stil have it hanging up.
    The charms are really cute. Thanks for the chance to win them.

  38. I am follower 504, so you made it!!! I love your quilts and blocks. I really think that blocks left out of a quilt for longer than a few months get together and make baby blocks that are all grown up by the time they are found!! Thanks for the opportunity to win the darling charms!!!

  39. Hummm think the puter ate my comments again...LOL.
    I'm a new follower. Thank You for the chance to win such a great giveaway.

  40. My favorite Quilty gift that I received is the 2 homemade Quilty Angels that my Eddie made me for Christmas '08, not to long before he passed away from treminal brain cancer in '09. They are the most cherished Items that I have received. Thanks for allowing me to share that with you.

  41. Loved your stained glass tree, but my fave has got to be the snowmen row quilt.

  42. Love your trip thru Christmas. The snowmen on parade is so cute, I might have to make the top into a runner. My favorite quilty thing I received as a gift is my quick curve ruler, just love it.

  43. I am a follower and I wrote that on the little pop up entry thingee. Does that mean it shows up here or that I am acknowledging that I wrote here?

  44. I like the variety of blocks and tops you showed. I especially like the snowmen on parade. Now I want to make one.

  45. I'm chuckling at all your "finds". That is one good size pile you have there. Definitely time to turn them into un-UFOs.

  46. I love everything you showed! I especially love that reindeer on that Christmas quilt! Your blog is spectacular! Wish I knew how to do all of this! Enter me in the charm giveaway please!

  47. Wow! Where do I begin. You have so much to show and it just kept getting better. I love it all from the simple to is all beautiful!

  48. All your projects are great! Was that all your UFOs or just your Christmas ones? hehe. Love your row quilt. Thanks for sharing your items with us. Great job!

    1. Opps.. Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win some neat charms.


  49. Sew much to see! Thanks for hopping with us!

  50. Thank you for sharing so many of your lovely projects. I really like the snowmen on parade quilt.

  51. Your snowmen are cute. Thanks for sharing your talents.

  52. Deonn, what a wonderful parade of Christmas inspiration. I love them all but I'm madly in love with the Lynette Anderson's quilt...luv those reindeer. ♥♥♥ Thanks for sharing in the blog hop. Happy stitching!!

  53. Love all of your shares, Deonn, unfinished or not, your work is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing :)

  54. thanks for posting.


So happy you stopped by for a visit! Thank you!